
Weekly Horoscopes 4/29/24 - 5/5/24

Weekly Horoscopes 4/29/24 - 5/5/24

Taurus or Taurus Rising

Symbol - Hands outstretched waiting to catch the ball.

Key Message -Your turn is coming.

There’s been anticipation and stagnation. You may feel as though you’ve been waiting but at the same time, you’ve been very busy and dealing with a lot. Get ready to catch the ball by finding a solid, confident, athletic position. From this strong and secure foundation, you will be ready to make your next move.  

Weekly Horoscopes 12/4/23 - 12/10/23

Weekly Horoscopes 12/4/23 - 12/10/23

Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising

Looking through a magnifying glass.

Attention. Careful attention must be paid to the details of your life that make things function. This is relevant for your growth as a person and for your career. Let go of items, projects or plans that are no longer aligned. All of this careful attention and investigation will help you emotionally. 

Weekly Horoscopes 10/2/23 - 10/8/23

Libra or Libra Rising

Walking along the path with both caution and grace.

Tread lightly. There will be moments this week when you benefit from holding back a little bit (for the sake of diplomacy). After an important discussion, take a little time to reflect on the relationship dynamics.

Scorpio or Scorpio Rising

Puffy cotton candy treats swirl around you in a dreamscape.

A sweet dream of kaleidoscopic confections. This symbol shows that you need to release your grip on reality and tune into what you enjoy. Where have you been pushing too hard or holding too tightly? Find time to drift and dream.

Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising

Sharing your breath.

Be proud that you have learned something and you have something to share. Add in a sprinkle of true generosity and suddenly the wisdom that you contribute becomes a gift that could go further than you ever dreamed.  

Capricorn or Capricorn Rising

The lighthouse sparkles through the fog.

You are ready to be a beacon and a guide. And yet, there is so much current frustration in your environment, that it’s difficult to know the exact move to make. You are ready to shine, but you are also waiting for your moment. Keep believing in yourself.

Aquarius or Aquarius Rising

A silhouette of a figure against a radiant sunrise.

A full expression of who you are, where you are going, and what you want would feel so good! You are ready for honesty and forthrightness on more levels than you can name. Follow that bold path because it is the right kind of energy.

Pisces or Pisces Rising

Falling and jumping and leaping and running.

Whatever it is, you are on the move. It makes sense to be fluid and allow for all of the feelings. You are grieving some things, while simultaneously experiencing pristine joy and gracious gratitude. Allow for movement and emotional depth.

Aries or Aries Rising

A mirror for humanity.

In one sense, you speak for everyone this week. You have a super tender heart and you are just trying to get it right. Be careful not to get caught in unnecessary emotional conflict, as many people are feeling frustrated and may put their misplaced irritation on you.

Taurus or Taurus Rising

Pumping iron at the gym.

You have an opportunity to build strong habits and practice a craft. Put energy and focus into the work, routine, habit or project that is calling out to you. All of this attention will make you feel even more steady and secure. 

Gemini or Gemini Rising

A glimmering spider web.

Although spooky, spider webs can be a symbol of creativity. Get out there and weave the incredible webs of your fantastic imagination. You are bursting with ideas and gorgeous heart. You are loved by many. Share your true self with the world.

Cancer or Cancer Rising

Holding a torch.

That flame is the light that you hold for your past and for your future. You carry so much for other people and here in this moment you carry the light. Think about how you encourage others without even trying. Now share that encouragement with your past and future selves. 

Leo or Leo Rising

A young child paints joyfully.

Pause on thinking about the goal and instead think about the small moments of the day, how you talk to yourself and the grace that you give yourself throughout the day. There is enough time and there is a way that you can be more gentle with yourself. 

Virgo or Virgo Rising

A vibrant and unmovable mountain.

Dig deeper into themes of stability, security and self-worth that may be underlying the issue. It’s a great time for you to feel safe and secure. Turn your attention inward for an affirmation, a metaphor or a memory that helps you trust in yourself. 

Scorpio Season Horoscopes 2022

Scorpio Season Horoscopes 2022

Scorpio or Scorpio Rising

A wall of snow slides off the edge of the cliff, exposing the rock underneath.

A big transformation is upon you. It might take awhile for the snow to settle so you can see your path forward. The brunt of this avalanche is affecting your understanding of relationships. Notice what’s moving and what’s being shown. Try not to get swept up in drama. You are ready to change how you trust and engage in power dynamics.

New Moon Libra Horoscopes 2019

Libra // Libra Rising
A dewdrop hangs from a leaf. The energy is building up and soon you will have enough momentum to choose. Focus your attention on being present in the moment and accepting where you are. And at the same time, trust in your future. The dewdrop will gather its energy and fall off the leaf into the soft grass below. You will take the next step. But for now, be here.

Full Moon Pisces Horoscopes 2019

Virgo or Virgo Rising

A butterfly floats by.

A rebirth is on the horizon. Transformation is programed into the DNA of a butterfly. Take a moment to wonder how the caterpillar feels while it changes into a butterfly. You are changing in an unrecognizable way, especially when it comes to how you take up space in relationships. Notice how you are communicating and give yourself a lot of love during this time of transformation.

Libra or Libra Rising

A spider dances back and forth on her web.

The spider is an ultimate symbol of creativity. Everyday she re-creates her entire world. Take small steps. Go one day at a time. Everything is more simple than it seems. The moment that you think big is the moment that you spin into overwhelm. Take care of your body and organize your surroundings. The rest will follow. 

Scorpio or Scorpio Rising

Fresh sunlight glitters at dawn.

Show yourself to the world. The way to let your true sunlight shine through is to get out of your head. Let yourself be creative without overthinking your creativity. Let yourself shine spontaneously. The brain judges. The brain offers resistance. Bypass the brain by taking constant action, the same way the sun pushes past the horizon everyday.  

Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising

Releasing a bird to fly free.

There are some things you can control and some things you can’t. Take the pressure off yourself by giving yourself more kindness. There is some small way that you can be nicer to yourself. Find those gentle words and supportive ideas that make you feel so much better about the situation. Later you can decide how you want to take action. 

Capricorn or Capricorn Rising

Electric circuits.

There are more places that you need to travel and there is new information that you need to gather. Then you’ll feel certain and secure. This moment is about openness and exploration.  A lightbulb won’t go off if the electrical circuits aren’t connecting. Ask questions and make connections. New ideas are coming down the pipeline that will help you succeed. 

Aquarius or Aquarius Rising

The quiet root system of a tree.

Harmony waits under the soil. It lives in the supportive roots of the trees. You have the ability to grasp serenity. You just need to align yourself to see it. Begin by slowing down, even just a little bit. Give yourself more time in nature and try to match your energy to a tree, to a squirrel, to a stone. Peace and security will then know how to take root within you. 

Pisces or Pisces Rising

Flip all the light switches on. 

It’s time to just go for it. Flip all the switches, power up all the engines. Take an opportunity that is in front of you and focus on it whole heartedly. Then move to the next project. This full moon is asking you to show up for yourself without overly criticizing your choices. As long as you have love in your heart, you’ll intuitively know the right actions to take.

Aries or Aries Rising

A love letter to yourself.

There are some times in life when you need to pause and reflect. Connect with your heart. Go deeper emotionally than you may normally go. Write yourself a love letter. Let your heart tell you a message that it’s been holding onto. There is nowhere you need to be. Nothing you need to do. The most important thing is your commitment to your emotional truth. 

Taurus or Taurus Rising

A gust of wind. 

Find your stability in the wind. Find your abundance in your breath. Wind and breath symbolize ideas and communication. Stability and abundance begin with a mindset. Innovative ideas and information will allow you to uplevel. It’s time to illuminate a new way of living so that scarcity mindset is a part of the past. Trust in abundance is your emotional future. 

Gemini or Gemini Rising

Pruning a rose bush. 

Take your pruning shears into a garden and get to work. The beautiful blossoms abound. You can cut back and promote massive growth. In your career you need to take away what is no longer serving you, so that you cultivate wonderful profits, energy and rewards. Push forward for a little while longer and you’ll soon realize that the fruit has multiplied. 

Cancer or Cancer Rising

Making potions.

It’s time to explore. You may need to shake up your lifestyle and get more adventurous. A new magic potion could help you realize your dreams, so set intentions for what you want. Then put together your recipe and make it happen. The magic potion must break you out of your current status quo and help you get a fresh perspective.

Leo or Leo Rising

A camel in the desert. 

Endurance. Resourcefulness. Persistence. What life area do you need to strengthen? If you know what the goal is, you can persist and get the job done. The most important thing to remember during this process is to be honest with yourself and to acknowledge how you feel. Then it will be easy to follow through. You’ll have everything you need for your long journey, just like the camel in the desert.