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Libra or Libra Rising
Covering yourself in glitter.
Step into the sparkle with certainty and confidence. The ‘sparkle’ is your creativity, your life force, your enlivened spirit. This Libra season, gain clarity around what it means to be yourself and live boldly.
Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
The zebra disappears into the group.
A herd of zebras can be called a dazzle. During Libra season, find a way to step away from the spotlight, but dazzle your mind with the intuitive and spiritual insight you gain while in retreat.
Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
Standing on a clock.
If you are worried about falling behind, get ahead by opening your mind to new solutions. Instead of being controlled by abstract concepts like time or money, use this Libra season to update your mental constructs.
Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
Holding out a neatly arranged assortment of flowers.
Your organization, skill and reputation has made it possible for you to focus on contribution. During Libra season, give back in ways that highlight your unique gifts and abilities.
Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
Rowing a boat upstream.
Prioritize adventure and exploration. Putting yourself into unfamiliar situations is important because it will clarify your values. It may be hard work, but it will help you discover your ‘why’.
Pisces or Pisces Rising
Returning to the same lilac bush every year to smell the flowers.
What makes you feel devotion? What brings you a sense of love, loyalty and enthusiasm? Identify and reassess those people, activities or causes that keep you circling back.
Aries or Aries Rising
Two oxen pull a wagon.
What could teamwork offer you? What does it cost you? You’re so good at doing things by yourself, but Libra season is a good time rethink the potentials of teaming up.
Taurus or Taurus Rising
Organizing the pantry.
You believe in producing work that offers some kind of lasting reward or value. The little things that you do during Libra season can offer a big benefit to yourself and others down the road.
Gemini or Gemini Rising
Eating the clouds of cotton candy in the sky.
What if imagination could be the secret ingredient that solves all of your problems? During Libra season, the thing that has been confounding you needs to be approached with creativity, originality and enthusiasm.
Cancer or Cancer Rising
Nestling into the most cozy and comfortable bed that you can imagine.
For one minute, one hour or one day, prioritize your comfort. Do it in such a way that the effect stays with you, helping you feel emotionally supported and nourished.
Leo or Leo Rising
Writing a set of encyclopedias.
What would you include? Your knowledge is vast and you might not always trust it. But you can take what you have learned and turn it into an offering and contribution.
Virgo or Virgo Rising
The final draft of edits.
You feel the need to be thorough and take your work to completion. Recall an important situation—what does the most thorough response look like? Would that level of execution be of value to you?