Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash
New Moon :: September 25th, 2022 :: 4:54 pm CDT :: 2 degrees Libra
As you ascend into the atmosphere, the temperature drops.
With a New Moon in Libra, you intend to find balance between yourself and other people. That can be many things, depending on the relationship—maybe playful, thought-provoking, conflicted or inspiring. This symbol reminds us to get up above it all and find the cool-headed objectivity for which we yearn. Up above the weather, beyond the emotionally charged clouds, await opportunities for chill vibes and clear perspectives.
Here are the cliff notes:
Libra is an Air Sign, Air describes mental and social connections
Libra is most interested in connecting mentally and socially with one other person at a time
Libra rules balance. Balance between people (aka relationships). But also balance as it pertains to spaces, objects and concepts. (For example, design, beauty, the legal system, diplomacy, etc.)
A New Moon is a time for setting intentions and highlighting new beginnings. It’s a moment of quiet and introspection
So, set intentions or begin anew in how you balance yourself with others. (When do you speak up? When do you make room for compromise? What are you stories about giving and taking? What helps you feel connected and supported?)
Or meditate on these other Libra topics. What does beauty mean to you? How and when might the concept provoke joy, yearning, stress or transcendence? What about fairness and justice? Are there moves and counter-moves that must be taken to right the scales?
The symbol indicates that you may need more perspective. This is a good time to leave stormy emotion in the troposphere and zip up to the stratosphere where you can clear your head. From there you might find the decisiveness that Libra
The major aspect is this New Moon in Libra makes is an opposition Jupiter in Aries:
A hot air balloon fills up and gradually lifts off the ground.
Find lift and expansion during this New Moon. There are many opportunities. If you don’t know where to start, tune into Jupiter by identifying your values and philosophies. From there you can head up into the sky and gain perspective.
Expansion sounds great, but it’s not always easy. Sometimes it makes us shift in uncomfortable ways or realize what was keeping us from growth. Trust that if you are aligned with your current values, you’ll have the courage to make moves that expand your vision for yourself and others.
Amplifying the voices of the people protesting in Iran:
If you haven't yet heard about what’s going on in Iran, read here and here.
This week I’m donating 25% of income from readings, split between United 4 Iran and the NCRI Women’s Committee.