image by Rodion Kutsaiev @frostroomhead
Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
Looking through a magnifying glass.
Attention. Careful attention must be paid to the details of your life that make things function. This is relevant for your growth as a person and for your career. Let go of items, projects or plans that are no longer aligned. All of this careful attention and investigation will help you emotionally.
Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
Making changes to the assembly line.
Process. Your typical process is up for a change. Pause your progress and deal with the fuzzy, emotional sides of life. It may all feel wonky and wobbly as you try to make sense of your feelings. The information you glean will help you find new ways of doing things.
Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
A mouse peeks out of a tiny hole.
Hiding out. It may feel like you need to be out and about, connecting with friends and turning your ideas into fireworks. But there’s another strong draw to hide out and observe from a distance so that you can get your bearings and find out what really matters to you. Do whatever feels right in the moment.
Pisces or Pisces Rising
A starship launches and sprinkles fairy dust through the sky.
Propel. You are moving further and farther afield, but what is your fuel? As life gets busy, keep checking back to make sure your energy reserves are stocked up. Important relationships can’t be ignored and they are important fuel or energy drains, depending.
Aries or Aries Rising
A bee only has one stinger.
Zap! You are trying to use your energy in a directed way. You are full of zest and passion, but at the same time you may fear that your energy will dry up quickly. Align with your values so that your actions are meaningful. The fear is melting away and releasing gradually.
Taurus or Taurus Rising
A bird returns to the nest.
Rest. Take a moment to breathe. This small break will help you get closer to your true self and what is actually important to you. It may be that you have to pause here for a moment so that you can take something to a new emotional depth of understanding, connection and dignity.
Gemini or Gemini Rising
Painting with ribbons of color
Brightness. What could a new outlook bring to your home, family and relationships? There is a change occurring through releasing the past and embracing a new attitude, one that is guided by compassion and understanding. Embrace values of creativity and optimism.
Cancer or Cancer Rising
A disco ball throws pebbles of light.
Dance. Dance with ideas, dance with your body, dance with the responsibilities that come up over and over again. Bring a different kind of energy into everything you do and you will feel as if your steps are organized around a new tempo.
Leo or Leo Rising
Actors float on invisible strings.
Security. As you fly through the air, showing off your talents and shining bright, it’s good to know that you are held and supported by invisible forces. Maybe these supports are internal — your own self-worth. Shine and feel supported, this may feel like a healing process.
Virgo or Virgo Rising
A spider in the garden.
Acceptance. Spiders can be icky to some people, but if you can accept the ickiness, you might notice the gossamer beauty of the web or the sunlight illuminating morning dew. There is much to be revealed now and much to be seen in a new light. Start with deep and profound acceptance.
Libra or Libra Rising
An elaborate pattern of polka-dots.
Decipher. Take the time to solve the riddle. If something isn’t working, you need to find out why. Investigate the patterns through careful detective work. You can search in practical and logical ways, but also check in with your intuitive truth to discover clear answers.
Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
Flowers sprout through the cracks of the sidewalk.
Resourcefulness. You are very strong and you learn from your experiences. You store up wisdom and keep carrying on. Reconnect with your confidence in yourself and let that design your new hopes for your future. You can do amazing things because you are so resourceful.