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Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
Ascending on a roller coaster.
There is a lot of anticipation. And just like a ride on a roller coaster, this is an energizing and exhilarating time. Prepare for the loops and turns by taking a few moments to connect with yourself. Honor who you are and where you are in your life with careful attention and love.
Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
Laying down bricks to build a garden wall.
You have an opportunity to be careful and practical. As you go through the motions, work diligently and focus on the long-term rewards that come slowly. The deeper message is that your spiritual connections are so important. Find meaning in the garden of your inner-world.
Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
A ray of bright light floods through the crack in the doorway.
New clarity is flooding in. The clarity won’t come all at once, but it’s starting to shine through. To help it along, harness a combination of patience and boldness. Let the situation ripen slowly while you share your heart through creativity, self-expression and love.
Pisces or Pisces Rising
The pearl is hidden in a shell at the bottom of the sea.
No one understands fully what you are going through and while it would be helpful if they did, don’t get stuck there. Keep pushing through — you can do this. Honor your emotions, take time for yourself and keep moving forward. There is much that you have to share with the world.
Aries or Aries Rising Sun
A network of street lights turn on at dusk
Don’t underestimate the power of true inspiration. If the details of daily life are feeling overwhelming — remember what is important to you. Your deeper values. Talk, share, connect, communicate and get clear about what’s meaningful so that you can carry on.
Taurus or Taurus Rising
Two sides of a coin.
Your message this week is about sorrow and practicality. You may need to get really sad and sit in the sorrow of loss. You may also know exactly how to manage your time so you can be most efficient and reliable for the sake of those around you. Make room for both.
Gemini or Gemini Rising
Bouncing along on a pogo stick.
Be playful and let that open-minded energy carry you along. You are making progress in your own way and in your own time. Relationships can help you, but they can also be pretty confusing right now. Use your powerful words wisely, both in your self-talk and with others.
Cancer or Cancer Rising
A small boat navigates the waterways.
As pressures and expectations build through this busy time, patience for self and others is needed. The practice of patience doesn’t discount your emotions, it just allows you to take a step back so that you can have your full emotional expression at a time that feels good and safe for you.
Leo or Leo Rising
Kissing the ground.
Full surrender and gratitude for this one life you are living. A ‘kiss-the-ground’ kind of feeling that you are here, alive, and that you must be brave enough to shine, express yourself and be creative. How you create and share is such a powerful, life-affirming question for you now.
Virgo or Virgo Rising
A small and fluffy animal.
There are many potential outcomes. You never know what is going to happen. But you can focus on the tiny comforts. The warm feelings found only by enjoying the moment. As someone who is so functional, there will always be time for productivity and action. For now, settle in.
Libra or Libra Rising
A busy, buzzy bee.
Finding, searching, flying, pollinating. You can go in many directions at once. There are many messages and ideas opening up. But hold on to one thing: your sense of caution. Although life is busy and buzzy, hold back a little bit and wait before making any big decisions.
Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
A leaf dissolves in a crystalline pool.
As you reach your hands into the water, the leaf dissolves into fragments. But your hands become clean. There is a releasing and washing process happening. The benefit of letting go is that you can easily see what remains and put your energy into that instead.