Photo by Hendrik Schlott on Unsplash
Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
A wall of snow slides off the edge of the cliff, exposing the rock underneath.
A big transformation is upon you. It might take awhile for the snow to settle so you can see your path forward. The brunt of this avalanche is affecting your understanding of relationships. Notice what’s moving and what’s being shown. Try not to get swept up in drama. You are ready to change how you trust and engage in power dynamics.
Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
After the safety checks are completed, an airplane takes off.
You must pay attention to a lot of important details. Your daily practices and habits are what allow you to fly to such great heights. Taking care of yourself and your responsibilities is where you are feeling the tension and transformation. This can easily affect your relationships, as you are concurrently starting a process of reviewing how you communicate with others.
Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
You are ready to sing your solo.
Center stage is ready for you. You might not feel ready for it, but the transformation that is currently building is meant to help you stand in the spotlight. That may mean owning your individual talents and unique gifts. If this sounds difficult to access, try following your joy. Having fun is the way to find yourself and accept yourself.
Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
A deer stands in an open field, watching the moon rise.
Watch the moon and stand in awe of nature. You are on a planet that hurtles through space. There is so much more to the current moment than there might seem. Awe can open you up to emotions that need to move. Breakthrough feelings and ideas can help you feel safe and secure in your being. This is how you feel at home wherever you are.
Pisces or Pisces Rising
Overloading the electrical panel.
When there are too many connections and too many drains on your energy, things unexpectedly burn out. The current tension has to do with your many mental breakthroughs. You now know that can change the way you think, talk, connect and learn. This is all very good, but you must also rest. Make sure you have downtime so that you can emotionally recharge.
Aries or Aries Rising
A single tree offers many resources.
Shelter under the tree and eat its apples. What is enough? What do you have and what do you need? On a practical level, these questions have simple answers. On an emotional level, the answers might feel loaded. Is there ever enough security? Pause for a moment and consider where your emotions are coming from. Talk to your inner child and help them feel safe.
Taurus or Taurus Rising
POV: You are a Rubik’s cube.
You are trying to solve the puzzle of yourself, twisting yourself in all directions to find alignment. Will this next move be the one? This Scorpio season is especially challenging as you search for the breakthrough ideas that help you transform. Decide what you can control and what you might release so that you can solve the puzzle.
Gemini or Gemini Rising
Shadow and reflections on a pond at night.
It will be easier if you stop trying to see clearly, and instead you focus your gaze inward. The events in the outside world are hard to understand. Meanwhile your emotions, dreams and intuitions can help know what to prioritize and what you need to do. At this time, there are big emotional breakthroughs that lead to greater self-understanding.
Cancer or Cancer Rising
A pack of dogs of different sizes and shapes.
It’s odd to see Dachshunds and Labradors run together. Accept yourself with all of your differences and unique gifts. You have something to offer to the group. You might not feel sure of yourself but if you stretch out of your comfort zone, you’ll find that your ideas are valuable to others. Find support and community that truly honors who you are.
Leo or Leo Rising
A whale swims and small boats rock in its wake.
You are making an impact. When you take up space, you change the current. You might not fully understand how this is happening. Just keep swimming. The next months are designed to help you metabolize career changes by connecting with community and drafting fresh visions for your life. To take up space you can tune into your excitement. Let your joyous energy move the ocean.
Virgo or Virgo Rising
An arrow flies, glass shatters, a bird flies free.
This symbol sequence seems to say that you are setting a part of yourself free. You need to aim high and be ready to break something. A small destruction might be a fair tradeoff for more room to spread your wings. If you need courage to take action, tune into your values. When you are sure of what matters to you, you can become easily inspired.
Libra or Libra Rising
A fragile butterfly wing.
What is vulnerable and fragile within you? It might be hard for you to connect with these tender emotions. For the sake of transformation and deeper levels of trust, you need to move through some challenging feelings. Let yourself be a bit messy. Let go of results. Be totally honest with yourself. This is how you accept yourself and move from caterpillar to butterfly.
In honor of the Lunar Eclipse I’m offering 25 minute readings, there are only 4 spots left — book a one-question mini reading here >>