This weekend's astrology forecast.
weekend horoscopes June 3rd-5th
Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A kaleidoscope. A lot has been under review. The last two weeks have possibly sent you scurrying to gather information to improve your situation. Just dig in for a moment here. Find your center. Let go of worrying, over-thinking and comparing. Create a vision of what you want in your life and who you want to be. This moment is also asking you to define boundaries in your relationships. It’s the perfect example of how our relationships with others teach us about who we are. You are in a moment of great change and just as the kaleidoscope changes gracefully and beautifully, you are shifting into a new version of yourself. This is a big moment to set an intention to be unapologetically yourself.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising
One petal of a daisy. Focus is on dissolving of ego. Let it all fall away. Let yourself go. Try different methods of getting in close to your true self, your higher self, your inner self, intuition (whatever you want to call it.) You might try meditation, yoga, breath-work, self-hypnosis, jogging, hiking, mindfully petting your cat… whatever way works best. Prioritize this. Set an intention to start a 21 day mindfulness practice. You are ready to dissolve and connect.
Leo :: Leo Rising
Watering the flowers. Your relationships with friends and your image of your community are ready for a reboot. How do you aspire to feel connected and supported? It’s said that we are not only influenced by our friends, but we are also strongly influenced by our friends’ friends. If you take a look at your larger circle, does it feel in alignment with who you are becoming? It can be hard to make new friends as an adult, but we begin with a vision of how we want to feel, openness to the new, and the spark of action. Set an intention to create a community that truly supports you, and to honor your existing community. Water the soil of your friendship circle with your gratitude. Create a support system that influences you in positive ways.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Piles of sand. This is the perfect moment for you to create an intention for you ideal professional life. This is your life. No one else gets to tell you how to live it. You have a choice. How do you want to feel at work? What are you building? Does something need to shift to help you get there? Lean into this feeling you want to create. Do you want more ease? More security? More recognition? More clarity? Call it in. Set an intention to have the professional life of your dreams. Give your wishes to the New Moon, which is currently positioned to help you manifest these dreams. Build those sandcastles high- let them reach up to kiss the sun. The sky is the limit.
Libra :: Libra Rising
Galloping across a field on a black horse. You are ready to explore. Stretch yourself. Shoot the arrow and follow to see where it lands. What is going to be your next big adventure? Call in exuberance, joviality, and a more robust way of life. Where are you ready to expand? Meditate on how you can take up a little more space. You might have to break through and expand some of your philosophies to make this stretch. If you are not sure, ask yourself, where are you making yourself small? Here’s a clue— where are you being uncomfortably polite? What rule of etiquette do you need to break right now to be more yourself? Get just a little bit wild and little bit blunt. Break free! Set an intention to explore, expand and create philosophies that serve you.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A woman at an alter. Transitions. You are changing and evolving. Sometimes we have to let go in order to move forward. “Let go” can be another way of saying “grieve.” We are always grieving some change in our lives because we are always growing. The grief might be so big that it hits you hard, or so small that you barely notice it. The stages of grief are an emotional rollercoaster, but it helps to be aware of what is happening. Denial (a feeling of confusion or fogginess can signify denial,) Bargaining, Anger, Sadness, Acceptance. This is your time to go inward, get in touch with your emotions and connect with your true self. Make an intention to follow all of your emotions to their starting place. Improve your emotional literacy. Name your emotions as they are happening. Set an intention to sit with your emotions without fear or judgement. What a waste of energy judging emotions is, yet we do it all the time! We are trained in our culture to hide or deny how we feel. Allow yourself to be how you are. Go all the way deep, without holding back. Emotional constipation is worse than “hitting bottom.” There is a sweet breaking open of the heart that comes from allowing the grieving process it’s full flower.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Fractions. The partnership area of your chart is ripe for new intentions. How do you want to be in relationship? Just get into pure vision here for a moment. What do you want it to look like? What do you want it to feel like? You get to have it all. Stop. Read that last sentence again. You get to have it all. Does that seem true? Do you have any caveats there? Have you backed yourself into a corner with old outdated beliefs about relationships that are no longer serving you? We have so many different ways of stopping ourselves from living life to the fullest. We get in a pattern of thinking, usually it’s based on what we experience as children and teenagers. Whether you are in a relationship right now or not, do some vision-board creation this weekend about your ideal partnership. Set an intention to create the relationship of your dreams. Give your dreams to the Moon. Let the Moon germinate these dream-seeds for you. Then get out of your own way.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Sewing by hand. It’s time to get really practical. Make your daily life systematic and organized. Set intentions to create clean habits. Clean out those closets. Give stuff away. Go on a juice cleanse. Exercise. Detox. It’s all going to feel so good and give you a solid springboard for your next big move. Set an intention to refine your daily habits.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Roots growing in mud. You have a chance to have fun! Drop the serious thing. Get wild, creative and free. Roll in the mud. Splash in puddles. Play with children and animals. Fill your heart with big love! It’s your time for creative expression. A big and often forgotten part of creativity is play. Set an intention to be more playful. Literally make a list of ways that you can have more fun. Then make it happen. This will be the source of your inspiration.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A crystal ball. Home and family is the place where you can most easily create change right now. How do you want to feel with your family? How do you want to feel in your home? Journal or a collage about your vision. See the future in your crystal ball that you want to see. Aka, create a vision. Set an intention to make your home life ideal.
Aries :: Aries Rising
Sledding down a hill on a toboggan. You can speed up your mindset right now. You’ve got momentum. Get really clear about where you want to apply yourself mentally. It’s time to learn new things. Improve your communication skills. Get out and circulate, network, chit chat. Learn everybody’s story. Ask questions. Set an intention to activate your curiosity on a subject of importance.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising
A scarecrow. You are tending the farm of your future. You are building something sustainable. Focus on how you build your life. Get grounded and take your time. Go over your finances and make sure you have set up a strong foundation for creating the life of your dreams. Set an intention to make a solid plan for growth and abundance in exactly the way you want to experience it.
weekend horoscopes May 27th-29th, 2016
Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Golden bricks lined up in a row. You are working on finding your golden path. The yellow brick road that leads you to yourself. It leads you to understand your own inherent worth and the wholeness of who you are. Relationships can teach you about your worth through support or challenge— usually a combination of both. Take every relationship trial as an invitation to learn more about who you are, where you come from and where you are going.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Mother bear with her cubs. You’ve got to get that daily life stuff together, but it’s hard! There are some blocks. Maybe it’s hard to motivate? Maybe something keeps getting in the way of getting yourself organized, feeling physically healthy and practicing productive time management. Be a good mother to yourself and prioritize self-care. Maybe get some support in this— you may need to learn how to do it. Strangely enough, modern day self-care is not something we are born knowing how to do. We have to prioritize learning how to do it well. Take a workshop, read a book or hire a consultant. You deserve it.
Leo :: Leo Rising
Carrying a chalice filled with coins, ancient and valuable. Bring yourself into your heart center and remember what makes your heart sing. You need to be able to truly express yourself. This is so important to you and this is also where you may be feeling blocks right now. These limitations are designed to help you break through into your most creative and expressive self. So don’t get discouraged. It’s not an easy road. The key is to go back to your value system. Use your values as your navigation tools and let them help you make key decisions that will streamline your ability to live your most creative life. Be clear about where you want to go and view limitations as opportunities for growth.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Solving a crossword puzzle. You are fitting all the pieces together. Some of the questions you are being pressed to solve have to do with your home space or where you come from— this could be your family, your roots, your ancestors. Where are you carrying ancient wounds? These are wounds that are passed down the family line. We inherit whatever is left unhealed, and it is up to us to heal. Exploring these old ancestral wounds will help you know your own identity. Get centered enough in yourself to slow down your thoughts and notice if there are any limiting beliefs lurking in the background. Limiting beliefs sound like: I’m not worthy, I’m defective, I’m a failure, etc. These limiting beliefs are sometimes passed down generationally. You can change them! Start by writing them down. Sit with the words for awhile (a couple of weeks) so that they lose their power, then turn them around to something that feels empowering. Use logic! Give your brain evidence for why these old limiting beliefs are false and why the new beliefs are true. It’s a puzzle, but if you work at it, you will heal generations past, present and future.
Libra :: Libra Rising
A rainbow. Limitations may be showing up around how you think and learn or around your community, neighbors, siblings. Maybe you are having a hard time focusing under the pressures of so many different voices and demands. You may have said yes to too many exciting opportunities. So many ideas, so little time to fulfill them all. Turn to your intuition or other-worldly guidance for support. Get some time alone so that you can prioritize and back-engineer some of the projects you really want to make happen. This will help you shine in your best light.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Deep in the forest. You may be figuring out how to manage your finances or your value systems. What makes you feel secure in the world? That is what is coming to a head right now. Remind yourself of the abundance of nature. Lean on your friends a little bit for their support. And try to realign with your hopes and dreams as well. Get out of the problems of the moment and into the vision of the future if you can.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
On a hot air balloon ride. And it’s a wild ride right now. This is a moment of getting in close with yourself and asking some hard questions. Who are you? Where are you going? What is the path and purpose that you have set out for yourself in this life? These questions might currently feel tricky and loaded. You could be feeling a little pessimistic about how you’ve aligned yourself. If that is the case, your salvation lies in considering the service that you provide to the public. Do good work! Roll up your sleeves and dig in. That act will get you out of doubt and into buoyancy.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A bridge. Ah. You are moving though some heavy fog. Where are the boundaries? Has everything dissolved? Spiritual limitations may be arising. How can you make sense of the immaterial and nebulous parts of life? You must form some sturdy philosophies about subjects that usually evade definition. And you have to do this right now because you seeking orientation. It’s not fun to be lost in the fog for too long, especially not when there is work to do. Create a philosophical bridge for yourself that will help you to know where you stand and where you are going.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Flowering vines. You have to find your center in your community. You may feel friendless and isolated. Or somewhat turned down around the mouth when it comes to dreams and aspirations. Yet this too shall pass! You can help yourself by noticing what you have been refusing to accept and making that transition through grief and loss. Let your heart break open and find the sweetness that comes from accepting your emotional state no matter what it is.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising
An ancient scroll. It’s possible that you are facing external blocks in your career or vocation. If that is true for you, remember that this coming up so that you can find more alignment. Here is what the astrology of the moment suggests may be the key: Notice what you tend to project on to other people. What emotions and personality traits do you allow yourself to have and which ones do you only find in the people around you? As a clue, notice what bugs you about someone else, and see if that is something that you really want to work on within yourself. Make the appropriate adjustments in these areas. If you can be more honest with yourself, you will find it easier to navigate the vocational sphere.
Aries :: Aries Rising
Crouched in the garden under the moonlight. Wanting to explore, wanting to find philosophical truths, but maybe feeling a little unsure or disconnected right now. Get close to the rhythms and cycles of Mother Earth to remind yourself on a physical level that your primal connection to nature is intact and that the more abstract meaning will come when your physical needs are met.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Woven tapestries. You are doing a deep dig into merging, holding on and letting go. Loss and sadness may loom high, if so, remember that this is part of a greater process of acceptance. We are always in a process of grieving and accepting things in life. It’s part of the cycle. Make room for all of your emotions. The light at the end of the tunnel reminds you to use the tool of creative expression to make meaning of it all. Center yourself by finding a unique way to show the world who you are.
weekend horoscopes May 20th, 2016
Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A chameleon blending into its surroundings. Now is your time to learn your boundaries in relationships. Know where you begin and where the other person ends. The way that you communicate may undergo tests. How do you express and empathize with your own needs, while you empathize with another person’s needs at the same time?
Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A starfish. Regeneration. Sink down into the sea floor and restore your body mind and spirit to perfect health. This is a moment of raising awareness about how you care for your physical container. How can your organize your week to attain better health? You have to know what you want to do before you can do it.
Leo :: Leo Rising
A blazing bonfire. You shine. You sparkle.Your need to show a little part of your spirit to the world intensifies and maybe meets some opposition. That’s okay. This is all a learning experience to help you define your point of focus. Stoke your fires and keep sharing your light.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
A cave. Themes of family, mother, and nurturance are all raised in intensity right now. Center yourself in your heart and nurture your inner child. Heal yourself. Protect yourself. This kind of deep inner work is a game-changer. When you can feel fully protected, safe and nurtured you can truly blossom.
Libra :: Libra Rising
Dancers twirling on a crowded dance floor. There is some intensity around communication and learning for you right now. Go back to basics. Learn the most simple steps. Make sure that you are being very, very clear. Keep things simple.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
An egg cracking open and releasing new life into the world. Your most basic security needs are being called into question. Remind yourself that you are safe. You have everything you need. Find evidence in nature that this is an abundant world.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
A seagull flying high to meet the sun. Know yourself! Know what you desire. This is your chance to explore and learn about what you want. Take any imagined limitations out of the equation, this is a time for pure vision. What do you want? Simply knowing this brings you closer to reaching great heights.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A shark’s tooth. You are magical and powerful and also razor sharp. Don’t shy away from the deepest, darkest parts of yourself. You are on an emotional journey. Follow the path all the way. Your point of learning right now comes from the more immaterial parts of life— whatever that means to you. Is that love? Spirituality? Dreams? Carry a talisman this weekend to remind yourself to keep digging deeper into your emotions and not to shy away.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
An ace of spades. You may be facing great intensity in aligning with your vision of the future. Discipline and vision are essential for you right now. Keep working. Keep defining. Keep aligning. You have the ability to persevere, so dig in.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A ladder to the sun. Climb higher and higher. You are gaining clarity about your vocation and career. This awareness may come because of opposition, either internal or external. Stay focused on your goal.
Aries :: Aries Rising
A fox racing across a field. Now is your time to increase clarity about your Truth. Your philosophies of life may be called into question and you may have to define where you stand. Evoke the cleverness of the fox.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Ants crawling through the petals of a brilliant peony. It may be time to burn off part of who you were and evolve to the next level. Watch life cycles in nature to gain inspiration. You are at the end of a cycle now, what are you ready to let go of?
weekend horoscopes May 13-15
Taurus or Taurus Rising
A daisy, round and yellow like the sun. We all want to feel whole. Sometimes we need to go back in time, back into the forgotten places of our psyche, and put some pieces back together. Now is your time to review and rewind and come back with a new vision of your identity. You are you. You are so deeply and inherently you. Feel the entirety of who you are without throwing any part of yourself away.
Gemini or Gemini Rising
A rainbow, an intangible array of colors. What is transcendence? Is it an arrival of sorts? A definitive point in a journey? The point where you have left behind what was and moved into a new state of being? You are evolving to the next level. You have been learning and growing, fumbling and expanding. If you were to materialize in a new way right now, what would that look like? Can you prove to yourself that you have reached a new level of growth?
Cancer or Cancer Rising
Sewing needles at work. Many hands working together to craft something new. It’s hard work and it’s long work. It takes partnership, communication, and cooperation. But you can set your ego aside for this one and relish in the support of your community. By working together, big changes can be made.
Leo or Leo Rising
Thin streaks of white clouds in the sky. You know how to rise up. You know how to take the lead. The world needs your skills. Your passion, vision and creativity is part of your gift to the world. Whether or not you step up depends on how productive and organized you can be. This is a wonderful time to put in place new systems that will lift your spirits and your abilities to new heights.
Virgo or Virgo Rising
Ants traveling in a row. To explore the world is to also explore yourself. When we travel, we stretch ourselves to understand the contrasts that aren’t always visible from our little bubbles. You are doing multi-level explorations right now… Explorations of yourself in relation to the world, and in relation to your own self-expression. “Send out the scouts” and gather as much new knowledge and inspiration as possible. This is a time of inquiry.
Libra or Libra Rising
Connected gears. Merge. Find yourself in alignment. Find yourself in unison with those to whom you are closest. If you notice blocks as you try to get close, question them. What are you trying to protect? Do you trust that you will take care of yourself if you get close to another? Or are you afraid that you will give yourself away? Get better at knowing your own boundaries so that you can blend and merge in a way that feels healthy for you.
Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
The cobra’s dance. You’ve got a special song to sing. You need to share your truth. You need to communicate. This primal need for communication is important and is not to be denied. Open up just enough so that you can say the things that are most important.
Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
Blood carrying nutrients and oxygen through the vascular system. There is an order to what you are doing right now. Try not to get overwhelmed. Just remember that you are putting one foot in front of the other in the name of security and longevity. This is the long game, so don’t get impatient or discouraged. Stay as positive as possible and keep putting those systems in place.
Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
Galloping on a horse across a dusty field. When you are in the mood you love to feel a rush of exhilaration. Usually it comes only at a moment of success. Now is a chance to do something wild simply for the sheer joy of it. Do something that surprises you into being carefree. You deserve a moment of lightness.
Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
Deep sea eels. This is a chance to imagine your unseen roots. Feel the support of the immaterial world. Feel the emotional support that surrounds you. Create space in any way that you can to feel loved and taken care of. Lie down on the supportive crust of Mother Earth. Meditate on an image of a never-met ancestor. Revel in the art of an ancient culture who had the same problems that you do. Feel the vibration of a tree. Get creative in your quest for support. Receive everything that you can.
Pisces or Pisces Rising
A radio antennae. This is a chance for you to connect with your neighborhood and the world at large. Send out communication blasts and press releases. Stand on the corner with flyers. Give the world your message. What you have to share right now is needed. Don’t stay quiet in the corner. Don’t let yourself get shy. Growth comes from your participation.
Aries or Aries Rising
A comet. Movement and growth are happening for you. It might not be at the pace that you normally desire, but keep digging in. You are getting somewhere. Imagine that you have the power and the fire of a comet flying through space. You can make that much of an impact if you keep digging in surely and steadily.
weekend horoscopes May 6-8
Taurus :: Taurus Rising
A seed germinating. Take time to value yourself and all of the hard effort that you have put into building your life. You are ending one cycle and beginning another, so set an intention for that nascent seedling that is now germinating in your mind. What is your hope for the next phase?
Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A stingray floating over the bottom of the sea floor. You can drift ever deeper into the center of your psyche. Make an intention to gather new information about the outer reaches of your inner world.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising
The hexagonal cells of a honeycomb. Are your friendships just right? How would you like friendship to feel? Set an intention to build the tribe that your heart yearns for.
Leo :: Leo Rising
The frame of a tipi reaching up towards the sky. Now is a moment to get really clear about how you want your vocation to look and feel. To create the professional life of your dreams you have to know what you want.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Feathers floating through the air. Get that birds-eye view. You need perspective right now. Whatever little things may be taking up your energy are keeping you from doing the work that you really need to do right now— which is getting very clear about what you want the big picture to look like. Explore and dream big. Set an intention for how you can best be of service in the world.
Libra :: Libra Rising
Hands outstretched. Your heart is yearning for the next transformation. Your next evolution. Lean into whatever hurts to find the path toward growth. Reach for it. Don’t be afraid. If you try, you can only go up. You are not going to de-evolve.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
An antique hand-held mirror. You have to find yourself in another. Relationships can help us grow and learn about ourselves in ways that we may not discover on our own. Set some new goals for how you want to be in a relationship (any kind of one-to-one partnership) and then find some way to test them out.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Pine needles cover the earth. It’s time for you to land on earth for a moment and get really grounded in your daily habits and activities. Set intentions for how you want to organize yourself. Cleanse your colon and your closet.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A blowfish. You may want some attention and love. If this is the case, ask yourself— has your life become all work and no play? Make a plan to have more fun, this is the nourishment you need.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
A horse leaping hurdles. In order to leap you have to be standing on solid ground. Find a way to create your perfect foundation. You need to set intentions for how you want your home and family life to be. What is just right for you?
Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Cat’s cradle. You are at a moment where you can create new mental patterns and habits. You can change! You just need to learn a few new moves. Figure it out, this is your chance.
Aries :: Aries Rising
A ticking clock. You are building your empire. What do you need to make an intention to stick with? What do you need to let go of so that you will have the time to focus on higher value projects? Get clear about the resources you want to acquire.
weekend horoscopes april 29th - may 1st
Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Moss on a dark rock. Your power comes from your current ability to reflect and to honor the feelings that are not so comfortable. Sit with those feelings and allow them their full expression. That will help you know who you are.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Unseen faeries. Amuse yourself in unusual ways. Bring imagination, creativity, magic and ritual forward. You can only do this if you give yourself enough space and allow yourself to go more slowly than usual. Go deep into the forest and learn about its magic
Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Toy airplanes gliding through the air. This is your chance to review your hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Are you in alignment? Rethink it. Make lists and approach the subject with lightness and curiosity. Maybe you’ve been coasting along. That’s fine, it’s not yet time to make sudden changes in direction. But do a little review. Are you on course with the future you want to have?
Leo :: Leo Rising
Riding a camel across the desert. Keep moving forward when it comes to your vocation, but do so slowly and make sure you have enough supplies. Don’t make any sudden changes. Limitations in the outside world can cause you to become more focused on deciding what path you want to take. Spend some time alone and think about your professional path. Look to the past and notice what worked and what didn’t. Use your research to help you chart a course.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Milking cows in a dairy. It’s time to reflect on your values. What do you stand for? What is important to you? These ideas are sustenance. They are resources for you to fall back on when you need to. You don’t have to do any grandiose philosophizing. Just go slow and over the next few weeks notice what your actions and thoughts say about what you believe.
Libra :: Libra Rising
Ancient, geometric symbols carved in stone. Meditate on geometric shapes. Meditation will help you dig below the wily thought layer of your mind and into your true spirit which is where your power resides. Allow space and time for your practice.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
New shoots bursting out of the soil. This is a time to look to your past love-life and decide which habits are working and which aren’t. Think it through. Gather evidence. Do you need to show your emotions more? Or learn to work with your emotions in more healthy ways? Do you need to put yourself out there? Be vulnerable? Create better boundaries? Let go of outdated expectations? Or maybe even let go of old flames? Take inventory now. This will lead to new growth and new directions.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Dental work. It’s time to review and reflect upon your health, your daily work, and/or your general efficiency. Check into anything that was left undone in these areas. Clean out those closets! Get your teeth checked. Etc.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A handful of petals. You’ve got to make room for more fun in your life and now is your chance to figure out how. Reflect on what brings you joy. Really, what makes your heart sing? Lean into your passions and hold them out for the world to see.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Accidentally eating sand. You are trying to get more grounded, but it might feel like a windy day at the beach. Listen to the wisdom of your emotions. Every emotional shift has something it’s trying to say. Listening to your heart will help you speak its language. And that will help you feel more centered.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A beachball blowing down the beach. Let your spirit become one with the sun, the sand, the sea. Uplift yourself through your appreciation of nature. And when you have completely nourished your spirit, grab hold of your chance to speak. Use your words and your thoughts to connect with those in your vicinity. Don’t worry about being perfectly clear. Express yourself by leading with your heart and you will find that you are communicating on a very high level.
Aries :: Aries Rising
Parakeets preening. Reflect on what makes you feel safe, fed and happy. Know that you are so worthy. Take time every day to reflect on your inherent worth and steady your mind. You may tend to put stock in what you do, rather than accepting that you are golden just the way you are. If that is so, then build a case for yourself. Convince yourself that you do good and you are good. It is so important that you value yourself.
weekend horoscopes april 22-24
Taurus or Taurus Rising
Roses and thorns. You are ready to blossom in a new way, but it’s not an entirely easy path. The rose and it’s thorns signify heart-opening and protection. Open your heart. Open it so wide. Know that you are safe and you are protected and that deep connection is there for you if you allow it.
Gemini or Gemini Rising
Stepping stones across the stream. Carefully choose your approach. You may need to tread very lightly. To ensure that you have solid footing take extra-good care of yourself and be very gentle.
Cancer or Cancer Rising
Sunflowers growing taller. Blast out of the stratosphere in all of your creative glory. Don’t hold back. Connect with others through your own creative expression. This is your chance to shine brilliantly. Simply acknowledge how you unique you areand share your magic with others.
Leo or Leo Rising
Lava flows to lower ground. Focus on your foundation. Get very clear about what is important to you. Prioritize and let the rest go.
Virgo or Virgo Rising
A patch of four leaf clover. Luck shines on you, but you will have to think quick to catch hold of it. Mental clarity, focus, and communication are the skills you need to develop right now. Just keep asking the universe for clarity. Sometimes, it’s all about what you ask for.
Libra or Libra Rising
Sacred geometry in the sky. Your values may be called into question. Get clear. Know what you believe and align with it. No splitting! Meaning— your beliefs and actions need to be in alignment.
Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
A magnificent fountain. A vibrant, emotional, display of your real self. Dig out the deepest truths that you hold within you and hold them up to the light of the full moon. Surrender, let go, and release so that you can grow.
Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
Deep sea fish. Oh love, swim deep into the deepest cave of your psyche and peer in. What mysteries are there in the darkness for you? And what are you going to do with them? Bring them all forward and sit with them quietly. Don’t turn your eyes away. Don’t judge. Just try to sit still and feel all the feelings.
Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
Bales of hay. A hay ride? It’s off-season for a hay ride, but maybe get a group together and go out and howl at the moon. This Full Moon calls you to action and asks you to seek alignment with a greater community. Find your tribe. This is also a time for you to brainstorm about your hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Do some future-minded, visionary thinking.
Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
Flags in front of an embassy. It’s time for you to be the center of attention in your career or vocation. You are in the spotlight and it ain’t always easy. Pick your flag and wave it around. It’s important for you to stand tall and proud, knowing that your unique experience is about to pay off.
Pisces or Pisces Rising
EKG reading. This is a great moment for you to get out of town. You need to remember the big picture right now. Exploring different cultures is like a healing salve for you right now, helping you get out of your head and into your heart.
Aries :: Aries Rising
Diving off a cliff into deep waters. Have you ever tried to see how long you could hold your breath underwater, and then emerged gasping for air? That feeling of deep, gasping, inhalation is kind of like what you are currently experiencing. It’s like a reset. An experience that shifts you into deep gratitude for the simple things. Breathing. Heartbeat. Oxygen. The re-set has to do with you asking yourself: What is really important in this life? When you are on your deathbed, what will you be wishing for? These kinds of big-picture questions provoke the transformation you are primed for right now.
Weekend Horoscope April 15th
image by the numinous
Aries :: Aries Rising
Ancient oak tree. The bigger your root system, the more glorious your branches. Find joy in grounding yourself, that will bring you the transformation you desire in your vocation.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising
A yo-yo on a string. It may be time to take a trip. This is important not just because of relaxation, but because you are ready for some kind of exploration of your identity. In this case, the yo-you doesn’t represent being pulled in different directions, it means “going and coming back.” A journey will help you know yourself. If it’s not the right time for a physical journey, take a mental one.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A large stone interrupting the current in the river. Major shifts are taking place in your subconscious belief systems. It’s easy because you are ready for transformation. Your stream of thought can simply take on a new pattern. What would you like it to be?
Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A close conversation. A conversation with a close friend or partner helps you shift how you think about your future and maybe even society as a whole. Be open minded to new ways of thinking.
Leo :: Leo Rising
A fire in a field conditions the soil. You are thinking about how you shine on the public stage, at work and in life. Feeling grounded in your daily habits and paying attention to your health will help you get noticed in the ways that you want to.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
A sundial. Your mind is working to grasp hold of the “big picture.” What is life about? What is the nature of humanity?” The sundial reminds us to ask, “What does the Earth look like from the Sun’s perspective?” It’s a different point of view. This is important because you sense that a shift in your worldview can help you find peace in your life. You’ll find the answers by investigating the nature of creative expression. Start by firing up your own creative endeavors.
Libra :: Libra Rising
A snake’s scales form a geometric pattern. Shed your skin. Your mental focus is on transformation, fuel it by strengthening your emotional foundation. Take good care of your inner child so that you can expand.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
The warmth of the Sun’s rays. Love, love, love another. That is what you yearn to do. Love them in a way that they can understand. Learn their love language.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Footsteps on the beach. Do things that feel good for your body, that will soothe your mind and give you the security that you are ready for. Connect your body with nature. Get grounded.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Dolphins playing. Freedom of expression allows your to connect with yourself. No more holding back. Play. Just straight up play.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Bloodhound on the trail. Going inward to discover secrets. Mysteries will reveal themselves. Carve out some quiet time at home. Get really still and reflect on the past. It may be emotional, but see things in a new light. Investigate.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Silent communication. Communication is prime right now. You are so ready to share with others and it is so facilitated that you may even discover that you don’t have to say much. Your communication can become nearly telepathic. Push the boundaries of your powerful mind.
Weekend Horoscope April 8-10
Aries :: Aries Rising
Fireworks streaking across the sky.
It’s time to reinvigorate how you see yourself. Know that you have the ability to metaphorically light up the sky with your brilliance. Now is the time to make necessary changes and shift into alignment with your new vision of who you are.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Stones at the bottom of the river.
Stones may seem stable, fixed, immovable— but currents of water are strong enough to smooth them over time. You are adapting and healing on deep, subconscious levels. Groove a new pattern in your psyche.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Bees struggling to repair a broken hive.
You may be particularly caught up in the news right now. Your interest in what is happening in the world is not unfounded. Find an area where you can shine and make a change. Any activism you partake in will be deeply stimulating for your personal growth.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Lightning strikes the tallest tree.
You are operating on a high level right now. It may be a little uncomfortable. Just remember that the shifts you experiencing are helping to create more freedom for you in the long run. Be open to change.
Leo :: Leo Rising
A parrot flies with crows.
Change it up. Do something different. Explore a different crowd and new ideas. This will open you up to incredible new possibilities.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Drinking water at a quiet oasis.
Take care of yourself and create space for a deep psychological shift to take place. Accept yourself on all levels. You are perfect just the way you are.
Libra :: Libra Rising
Missing a piece of the jigsaw puzzle.
Something new, different, shocking or inspiring is brewing in your relationship realm. Some Libra folks may find this exciting, others may want to escape. Either way, your first priority is to shower yourself with love. Be kind, gentle and compassionate with yourself. When you have empathy for yourself, it is easier to have empathy for others.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Old love letters burning in a bonfire.
Ritualistically burn away the things that are no longer serving you. Think of this as a time to refine your daily routine. Go extra slow and take care of your health.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Children are finger painting.
It’s time to expand through creativity. Get really messy. Get into it. Become wild and free in your self-expression.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Bullfrog on a lily pad.
Sudden changes in home life and/or family. Be flexible so that changes to your foundation feel invigorating and not shocking. Sometimes it’s all a matter of perspective.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Messages written in the sand.
You may find yourself saying or thinking unusual things. This could be a great time for you to reframe your message. What do you stand for, intellectually speaking? Rewrite your personal manifesto, it may be very inspired.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A plain stone is polished into a jewel.
Your approach to security is ready for an update. Now is wonderful time for you to notice value that you have previously overlooked. Open your mind.
Weekend Horoscope April 1st-3rd
Aries :: Aries Rising
A carnival. Some things are not as they seem – there is an element of magic and mystery that surrounds you. Flow with the vibrant energy of the carnival. You are more on-point and directed when you find yourself accepting the chaos instead of fighting against it.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Rowing in a canoe. Immerse yourself in the water of your emotions. Trust that you are not alone – you are connected and secure. Find a mental or physical place where you can feel safe to explore your emotions.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Runners taking their marks. You may feel like you are racing to some intangible goal. Now is not the time to be totally clear about what your goal is, so it’s okay to ease your foot off the gas pedal a bit. Wait for things to become more clear before you rush ahead.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Trying to catch a cloud with a net. What is real? What is possible? Thinking about reality might give you a headache right now, so don’t bother.
Leo :: Leo Rising
Fire-breather. Declare your love. It’s time to communicate how you feel. It might be easiest to do it non-verbally.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
A fan of peacock feathers. Dreamy connectedness is what you are after but something is in the way. Crossed wires, a misinterpreted signal. Try to get some perspective. It will be easier to communicate clearly very soon.
Libra :: Libra Rising
A groundhog going down a hole. Grounding is really important right now. Immerse yourself in routine, that will help you feel rooted. Any lack of groundedness you are experiencing is impacting your relationships, so this is really important.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Snowshoeing. Do something active and fun that helps you see things in a new way. You may be missing the forest for the trees. Change your point of view by changing your routine.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Branches at the top of a pine tree silhouetted in the moonlight. Day-dream about the future — how high can you go? What kind of life do you want to create for yourself? Find a quiet place where you can center yourself and then spend some time imagining and envisioning the future of your dreams.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Dragonfly flitting across the lake. Don’t feel bad about being easily distracted this weekend. Instead, nurture yourself by allowing yourself to play and learn in whatever way is easiest.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Meditating in front of an alter. Security is a mindset. This is an excellent time to find security by connecting with your inner self, your “Wise Mind.” Meditation is the easiest way to do this. Find some way to meditate that works for you.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A bullseye in a foggy field. You can generally make out the shape of the target, but it’s blurry. Allow your intuition to guide you to your mark. Try not to be impatient. Accept the circumstances you are in and go with the flow.
Astrological Overview for the Week of March 28 - April 3rd
Monday, March 28th- Venus Semi-Sextile Uranus
Harmony gets disrupted, shifted... maybe even reinvigorated? Expect Uncomfortable Newness. Accept it. Receive it.
Tuesday, March 29th- Venus Conjunct South Node, Mercury Inconjunct Jupiter, Mercury Trine Saturn
Take stock of your skills. Really. Write a list of your gifts and talents. Then add to the list the things that make you happy. As you write them, feel that happiness. This is your foundation.
Wednesday, March 30th- Venus Conjunct Chiron, Mercury Square Pluto, Sun Semi-sextile Neptune
Now it’s time for deep healing. Make sure to set aside some time to meditate. You may need the clarity that comes from meditation today. There is focus on the “control vs. letting go” axis. You may want to heal and let go, but to do that you will have to be able to loosen your grip on your old story.
Thursday, March 31st- Mercury Conjunct Uranus
Dynamite. After all the healing work that happened yesterday, now it’s time to institute some NEW ways of thinking. Blow up the old ways, clear out the debris, allow new inspiration. All for the sake of freedom from the past.
Friday, April 1st- Mercury Sesqui-quadrate Mars, Mercury Inconjunct N. Node, Mercury Semi-sextile Chiron
A few minor aspects that collectively may signify seeking alignment and the potential frustration that can accompany that. Easy does it. Sometime the mind is a wily beast. Your alignment will come from being gentle. with yourself. Clearing the mind is key today.
Saturday, April 2nd- No major or minor aspects.
Sunday, April 3rd- Mercury Semi-Square Neptune
A little tension here today between thinking and dreaming. That could mean that you feel cloudy and out-of-it. It could mean that you are aren’t understanding the reality of a situation. Or, conversely, you could be missing the forest for the trees— too caught up in the details and out of alignment. To use this aspect to your advantage, it may help to remind yourself to tune into your intuition and also make an effort to be very present throughout the day. You could also just give into the dream world— spend the day at the movies, go to the park or be creative in your favorite way.
Weekend Horoscopes March 25-27
Aries :: Aries Rising
A chick hatching. A birth. This is your new moment. Reinvent yourself.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising
A secret cave. This is your chance to dive deep into your soul and feel all the feelings.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising
An archery tournament. Shoot the arrow and follow to see where it lands. Connect yourself with your future.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Finding a path through the tall grasses. You are striving, but in a good way. Just keep making your own path.
Leo :: Leo Rising
Eating watermelon. Enliven. Find true enjoyment in the moment. Remember how good it is to be alive.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
A hike up a mountain. This moment may feel intense. There may be a sense of that out-of-breath feeling that comes from exertion. This is a time for you to do some seeking. Seek within yourself. Go inward so that you can gain a new perspective.
Libra :: Libra Rising
Water splashing your face. Some kind of shock. Maybe you are ready for a wake-up call. It probably has to do with how you are in relationship and how you’ve set up your boundaries with others. Get clear.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Child’s pose. Ground yourself through healthy daily habits and activities.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Gasping in air after holding your breath. Explosive action of lungs rapidly filling with air. You are alive! Remember that. Be as full of life as you can be.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Icarus flies toward the sun. The wisdom of living within your limits. Trust your intuition. Love and nurture yourself so that you don’t burn out.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Origami cranes. Taking something ordinary and transforming into a work of art. Use your intellect and your inventive mindset to create dramatic change.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A hedge hog. A reminder to take good care of yourself. You may be concerned with security. Remember that security is a state of mind.
Astrology for the Week of March 20-26
The Sun moves into Aries! Spring Equinox! The beginning of the new astrological calendar.
Aries is the first sign. A FIRE sign. Fire is the “Identity principle.” Aries is learning about Identity in personal and action-oriented ways. The key phrase for Aries is “I am.”
I always think of Aries as the baby’s first cry when it is born. “I am” the baby cries! I am here. I am alive.
Aries deals with themes of individuality. Defining of self. Leadership. Self-confidence. The pioneer.
Meditation for Aries from Joan Hodgson’s “Astrology the Sacred Science”:
“It is good for the Arietian to meditate often on the still clear flame on the altar, in the sanctuary of his innermost being. Look into the flame; feel it’s qualities of cleansing and illumination. See it growing stronger and brighter, and go right into the heart of the flame. Feel it burning away all that is selfish, proud, opinionated and unworthy in your nature. Until only pure love, the pure gold remains. In the flame you are one with the Great spirit. His light and power shine through you to illuminate dark places, and to bring new hope and courage to those who are despairing.”
There are no major aspects today, but the Moon is Void of Course from 6:51 pm - 6:40 am on Tuesday, so it is a great time to learn about Void of Course Moon.
The Void of Course Moon is an “in-between time.”
Our Moon satellite moves relatively fast— changing signs about every 2.5 days. Void of Course is the time period beginning when the Moon makes it’s last aspect in a sign and ending when the Moon enters the next sign.
The Void of Course Moon is a time of distraction, confusion, and also… openness. Openness to what is unknown. It is flow-y, intuitive and undefined.
At the VC moon you may choose to do small projects like organizing your things. You may choose to go inward and meditate. Take advantage of this time of heightened intuition. It’s not a great time to make a large announcement that you want a lot of people to hear. It’s not a great time to make a big decision. It’s definitely not a great time to spend a lot of money on a expensive item. Things may not be as they appear at this time. It’s a time for more inward, reflective processing.
For those of you interested in marketing, getting out there and getting heard, take note— the void of course moon is a time when your words may not be noticed. So save your Instagram posts for moments when the Moon is not Void of Course!
This week the Moon is Void of Course:
March 21st at 6:51 pm - March 22nd at 6:40 am
March 23rd at 10:24am - March 24th at 9:22am
March 26th at 8:35 am - later that day at 3:45 pm
Mercury enters Aries.
"Mindset" Mercury enters Aries-- the sign of the leader, the entrepreneur, the pioneer, the warrior. This is a time period to bring these themes to the front of your mind. This is a time when we focus on mental boundaries. “Who am I?”, “What do I say yes to?” “What do I say no to?” Practice being decisive during this time. Practice learning to love yourself fully.
Sun Conjunct Mercury, Jupiter Square Saturn, South Node Conjunct Chiron
Lunar Eclipse at 3 degrees 17 minutes of Libra, penumbral eclipse (subtle lunar eclipse)
Moon Void of Course 10:24am-9:22 am
A lot of energies come to a head today. Themes: Consciousness. (Sun conjunct Mercury) Letting go of behaviors that no longer serve you. (South Node Conjunct Chiron) Creating a stable base for expansion. (Jupiter Square Saturn) Setting boundaries so that you can partner effectively with others. (Full Moon in Libra) Allowing the Unknown. (Void of Course Moon)
This is a day to bring all of the Letting Go that you have been experiencing during this month to a point of crescendo. Plan some kind of ritual that focuses on connecting with your Wise Mind, your Inner Guidance. Keep your calendar light to leave space for the unknown.
Issues in a relationship may encourage you to define where you begin and where the other person ends. Good questions for today… When anger arises within you, can you express it without putting the other person on the defensive? How would you do that? Maybe begin by owning that the emotion is your own, and that no one else made you feel it. It’s important to be able to express your anger without turning it into a weapon.
Or, are you one who is never angry, but is mysteriously surrounded by “angry” people? The Libra / Aries opposition reminds us that projecting your anger really doesn’t help. Figure out how to take it back.
Mercury Trine Mars
The perfect transit to come down off of the intense energy of Wednesday’s Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse. Integrate your new knowledge of yourself. You have learned a lot about who you are. Today’s harmonious trine energy allows you to do something with this knowledge.
Venus Opposite Jupiter, Venus Square Saturn
Receive abundance and stability. You may have to maneuver to get yourself into a position where you can receive. We tend to position ourselves to act and forget to open ourself up to assistance. In fact, it seems like all of the fun is in the action sometime. But we all need balance between action and reception. Today is a day to discover where you can “lean back.”
Venus Sextile Pluto, Sun Trine Mars
Moon Void of Course 8:35am - 3:45pm
Do what makes your heart sing. Find great pleasure in action today. It’s a day to define your next point of evolution and take the first step on the road in that direction. As the Moon is VC most of the morning and afternoon, employ your intuition to help you know which way to move next.
strong eye weekend horoscopes
Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A dandelion seed blowing across a field. Allow your mind to soften. Allow your psyche to become receptive. Go slow. Meditate. Open yourself to the magic.
Aries :: Aries Rising
Rays of the sun, so bright they are dangerous to look at. Allow your true vision to sear through to the truth of what is. Don’t delude yourself. There is no room for irrational thinking. Allow yourself to see the truth. The truth is usually very simple.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising
A flying squirrel. There is magic in hoping and dreaming. Have you spent much time doing this lately? Even land-bound creatures can learn to fly. Sometimes all you need to do to reach new heights is to activate your imagination.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A stage magician. Allow inspiration to flow in regarding your vocation— your true calling. It might be a subtle expansion or an inspired shift in direction.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Mother wolf with her pups. Nurture the wild part of you. Get out in nature and be free. Feel the breeze on your face. Remember your connectedness to Mother Earth and all the creatures of the land and sea.
Leo :: Leo Rising
Two lovers coiled together. Communion. Physically, mentally, or spiritually, receive the magical healing of true union.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Pharaoh making an offering to Isis. Show your love for a partner through service. Make an imaginative offering. Bow deeply.
Libra :: Libra Rising
A kitten mewing plaintively. There is a special devotion in taking care of the small, everyday tasks of living. Feeding the cat, or doing the dishes. Slow down and pay close attention your daily chores. Find the magic in the simple things.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Cornstalks blowing in the wind. A great harvest. You have created so much sustenance. Find deep enjoyment in all the stages of creativity, from germinating the seed, to reaping the harvest, to creating the meal. Don’t rush ahead to get to the next stage. Be blissful in the process.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
An earthworm in an underground tunnel. An earthworm aerates the soil and you can aerate the soil of your psyche by transforming your relationship with your inner child. Your inner child needs some magic playtime. Let loose your imagination. Imagine your inner child as a shining prince or princess, hero or heroine. Play and be playful with them. Nurture your sense of self-worth by nurturing your inner child.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Flash cards. Receive inspiration by learning something new. When you activate your brain through curiosity you are opening yourself up. You will open yourself up to all kinds of inspiration by putting yourself in a beginner’s frame of mind.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Cotton candy. Eat clouds and float on clouds. Taste, touch, smell, listen and gaze upon the magical world you live in. Use your senses, your body and your imagination as a catalyst to love your reality. It is easiest to do this when you are on a tropical vacation or eating sugary, otherworldly, treats. But you can love your life at any time. It just takes a little inspiration. Open yourself up to it.