
strong eye weekend horoscopes

Pisces :: Pisces Rising

A dandelion seed blowing across a field. Allow your mind to soften. Allow your psyche to become receptive. Go slow. Meditate. Open yourself to the magic.

Aries :: Aries Rising

Rays of the sun, so bright they are dangerous to look at. Allow your true vision to sear through to the truth of what is. Don’t delude yourself. There is no room for irrational thinking. Allow yourself to see the truth. The truth is usually very simple.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising

A flying squirrel. There is magic in hoping and dreaming. Have you spent much time doing this lately? Even land-bound creatures can learn to fly. Sometimes all you need to do to reach new heights is to activate your imagination.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising

A stage magician. Allow inspiration to flow in regarding your vocation— your true calling. It might be a subtle expansion or an inspired shift in direction.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising

Mother wolf with her pups. Nurture the wild part of you. Get out in nature and be free. Feel the breeze on your face. Remember your connectedness to Mother Earth and all the creatures of the land and sea.

Leo :: Leo Rising

Two lovers coiled together. Communion. Physically, mentally, or spiritually, receive the magical healing of true union.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising

Pharaoh making an offering to Isis. Show your love for a partner through service. Make an imaginative offering. Bow deeply.

Libra :: Libra Rising

A kitten mewing plaintively. There is a special devotion in taking care of the small, everyday tasks of living. Feeding the cat, or doing the dishes. Slow down and pay close attention your daily chores. Find the magic in the simple things.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising

Cornstalks blowing in the wind. A great harvest. You have created so much sustenance. Find deep enjoyment in all the stages of creativity, from germinating the seed, to reaping the harvest, to creating the meal. Don’t rush ahead to get to the next stage. Be blissful in the process.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising

An earthworm in an underground tunnel. An earthworm aerates the soil and you can aerate the soil of your psyche by transforming your relationship with your inner child. Your inner child needs some magic playtime. Let loose your imagination. Imagine your inner child as a shining prince or princess, hero or heroine. Play and be playful with them. Nurture your sense of self-worth by nurturing your inner child.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising

Flash cards. Receive inspiration by learning something new. When you activate your brain through curiosity you are opening yourself up. You will open yourself up to all kinds of inspiration by putting yourself in a beginner’s frame of mind.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising

Cotton candy. Eat clouds and float on clouds. Taste, touch, smell, listen and gaze upon the magical world you live in. Use your senses, your body and your imagination as a catalyst to love your reality. It is easiest to do this when you are on a tropical vacation or eating sugary, otherworldly, treats. But you can love your life at any time. It just takes a little inspiration. Open yourself up to it.

A symbolic image for you...

Sending you sweetness on Valentine's Day weekend.  And a horoscope too...

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising

Mama bear. You are safe. People have got your back. This support system is a vital connection point. Revel in the relationships that remind you that you are held. Send out your appreciations.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising

Venus fly-trap. This plant is luscious and carnivorous. Get close to its oddity, become comfortable with the uniqueness of its character. Take it as a cue to be yourself. Be completely present for all of the weird and misunderstood parts of yourself. Accept your wholeness, in whatever strange form it takes and revel in the simple and sustenance providing delights of life.

Aries :: Aries Rising

A wind chime. Let yourself drift. What can you learn from being in the flow? From seeing what comes up? Learning can happen when it’s not all planned out and you are open for inspiration that may float in. You are drifting and it is spacious.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising

Lightning bolt. You are ready for a big expansion. It might seem like a shock to the system. But if you stay open it will feel like less of a jolt and more like an inspired change. Know that the shift is needed and whatever form it comes in, it is a gift.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising

Bees buzzing. Creative workers. The time for happy production is nigh. Harness your desire for self-expression. Maybe in the past laziness has gotten in your way, but don’t let that stop you now. Take the opportunity to create something good and heartfelt. This is YOUR self-expression. Work it.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising

Boughs of pine. In your imagination, breathe in the scent of pine. It’s cleansing. The green color of the pine tree and its fresh fragrance remind us of eternal springtime. Take deep slow cleansing breaths and connect with your source energy. The ever-green, the eternal spring, the wisdom, and purity that is at the core of your being. Breathe into that place. This is self-care.

Leo :: Leo Rising

Vapor trails from a jet plane making lines across the sky. This is like a whisper. An intimacy between you and the place you just were. The growth that you know that you just made. The story you want to tell about it. The lover you want to share it with. Relish in this tentative step forward on your path.

Virgo or Virgo Rising

Piglets in the mud. Have you ever Let Go completely with Mother Earth as your witness? Have you ever writhed and wriggled and bathed in the mud like a piglet seeking to be cooled? If you have, remember the emotion of that physical freedom from perfection. If you haven’t, it may be time to Surrender to the mud.

Libra :: Libra Rising

Butterly wings. This sublime creature has flown straight into your psyche, but what does it mean? Why these patterns, stripes, dots, and colors right now? You are meant to elevate your understanding of beauty. Make this new understanding personal to your experience. What do you think about beauty philosophically? What do you think about your own? How does this inquiry feel?

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising

A tarantula. Are you repulsed by your own power? Love yourself so hard. Trust that you can be the leader that the world needs you to be. Don’t shy away from this height of accomplishment anymore. Get organized. Step up. Use your resources. Own it.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising

A band-aid. A funnel. A carabiner. What is the story with the random objects? Aha! They are all inventions. You are at a point where you are ready to create that next product, next iteration, whatever that means for you. You are just in need of the missing ingredient — sudden inspiration. Open your mind up to it. Make space for it in any way you can. The messengers are heading your way with your personal inspiration prepared, you only have to ready yourself to receive it.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising

A pyramid. You are sure, you are steady. The thing that is broken is the easiest thing to see, but take a moment to see what you have built that is solid and strong. You are doing alright. You have a good foundation. Let the strength you have created bolster your spirit so that you can move forward and expand.