Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A flurry of snowflakes blocking your sight. Fresh, new, bright snow obliterates your view. You can’t see. Time stops. There is a spaciousness. A vulnerability. Allow the feeling of helplessness that comes with not knowing. Allow yourself to pause. Then press on. Move forward even though you can’t see. Use your intuition to guide you...
Horoscopes for October 10th-16th
Libra :: Libra Rising
A jigsaw puzzle. Interlocking. Interconnected. Intertwined. Your mission this week is to feel supported. Can you lean in, but maintain the integrity of your own stance? Can you speak your truth to another person? Can you say the thing that you have avoided? Do you know what you need? Can you ask for what you need?
Horoscopes for October 3rd - 9th
Libra :: Libra Rising
A rabbit hopping toward a rabbit hole. Who will you find yourself to be when you are put to the test like Alice in Wonderland? Dear Libra, you are coming to new clarity. You are understanding more about yourself now. This information will be conscious and you will be able to make changes in your life. The fog lifts this week. The subconscious processing you’ve been doing comes to an end. And now it’s game time...
Horoscopes for September 19 - September 25
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Fruit growing on a tree. This is a time of resolve and a time of clarity. Get ready to usher in new understanding. Get ready to pick the fruit of knowledge this week. It brings wisdom about joy and pain. And it brings acceptance. Your focus is shifting from invigorating your sense of individuality to building stability in your life...
Horoscopes for September 12-18th
Virgo or Virgo Rising
Tea leaves forming patterns. It feels so good to know. To have the facts. To step forward sure of your path. But right now you can’t know. You have to hold space for the mystery. You have to make room inside of you to allow for other people’s chaos. And your own chaos. And the chaos of the universe. Find your footing in the truth of your heart. Respect your intuition...
Jupiter in Libra: Horoscopes for the week of August 5th
Action and Restraint- Horoscopes for the week of August 22
Weekly Horoscope August 15-21st
Leo :: Leo Rising
A flag is raised, a bugle is heard. This is a new day. The bugle blares to announce the rising of the sun. Wipe sleep out of your eyes as you head to the flagpole with the other campers and get ready for the day to begin. Anything can happen today. It’s filled with promise. Something has been reset during the night. Make this week into a ceremony. Make sure that you shine forth with all of the promise of who you are. You are hitting the reset button on how you see yourself. Who are you? Everything can be new. You can start over entirely. And here’s the wrinkle...
Your horoscope for the week of August 1st-7th
Leo :: Leo Rising
A ceremonial dance, twirling fast with multicolored wings. Center yourself and shine bright. This week is about remembering your spark within. and remembering to share that spark. The world needs your light. Early in the week you will have a chance to stabilize yourself. Focus on what you want to create. What unique light do you want to share with the world? As the week progresses you may need to reconcile the delicate balance between getting paid and sharing your creative efforts. There may be some mental fog around money. Your week is all about shining forth bright with your fire, and stabilizing your fire. Remember throughout that you are worthy and you are loved.
New Moon Intention: I share my unique identity with the world...
Horoscopes for July 15-17
Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A star exploding in distant space. A desire to go your own way at work or in your career may be causing you stress, but it is also very motivating. Instead of exploding under the pressure, try to “ignite.” Catch the fire of excitement. You may find that any kind of creative activity soothes your spirit. Focus on what your heart wants and take action. Don’t worry about recognition or public opinion.
Leo :: Leo Rising
Eating sunflower seeds and spitting out the shells. Nourish yourself through a meditative practice. Get inspired by the highest ideals. Your need for freedom is high right now...
Horoscopes June 17-19
weekend horoscopes May 13-15
Taurus or Taurus Rising
A daisy, round and yellow like the sun. We all want to feel whole. Sometimes we need to go back in time, back into the forgotten places of our psyche, and put some pieces back together. Now is your time to review and rewind and come back with a new vision of your identity. You are you. You are so deeply and inherently you. Feel the entirety of who you are without throwing any part of yourself away.
Gemini or Gemini Rising
A rainbow, an intangible array of colors. What is transcendence? Is it an arrival of sorts? A definitive point in a journey? The point where you have left behind what was and moved into a new state of being? You are evolving to the next level. You have been learning and growing, fumbling and expanding. If you were to materialize in a new way right now, what would that look like? Can you prove to yourself that you have reached a new level of growth?
Cancer or Cancer Rising
Sewing needles at work. Many hands working together to craft something new. It’s hard work and it’s long work. It takes partnership, communication, and cooperation. But you can set your ego aside for this one and relish in the support of your community. By working together, big changes can be made.
Leo or Leo Rising
Thin streaks of white clouds in the sky. You know how to rise up. You know how to take the lead. The world needs your skills. Your passion, vision and creativity is part of your gift to the world. Whether or not you step up depends on how productive and organized you can be. This is a wonderful time to put in place new systems that will lift your spirits and your abilities to new heights.
Virgo or Virgo Rising
Ants traveling in a row. To explore the world is to also explore yourself. When we travel, we stretch ourselves to understand the contrasts that aren’t always visible from our little bubbles. You are doing multi-level explorations right now… Explorations of yourself in relation to the world, and in relation to your own self-expression. “Send out the scouts” and gather as much new knowledge and inspiration as possible. This is a time of inquiry.
Libra or Libra Rising
Connected gears. Merge. Find yourself in alignment. Find yourself in unison with those to whom you are closest. If you notice blocks as you try to get close, question them. What are you trying to protect? Do you trust that you will take care of yourself if you get close to another? Or are you afraid that you will give yourself away? Get better at knowing your own boundaries so that you can blend and merge in a way that feels healthy for you.
Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
The cobra’s dance. You’ve got a special song to sing. You need to share your truth. You need to communicate. This primal need for communication is important and is not to be denied. Open up just enough so that you can say the things that are most important.
Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
Blood carrying nutrients and oxygen through the vascular system. There is an order to what you are doing right now. Try not to get overwhelmed. Just remember that you are putting one foot in front of the other in the name of security and longevity. This is the long game, so don’t get impatient or discouraged. Stay as positive as possible and keep putting those systems in place.
Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
Galloping on a horse across a dusty field. When you are in the mood you love to feel a rush of exhilaration. Usually it comes only at a moment of success. Now is a chance to do something wild simply for the sheer joy of it. Do something that surprises you into being carefree. You deserve a moment of lightness.
Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
Deep sea eels. This is a chance to imagine your unseen roots. Feel the support of the immaterial world. Feel the emotional support that surrounds you. Create space in any way that you can to feel loved and taken care of. Lie down on the supportive crust of Mother Earth. Meditate on an image of a never-met ancestor. Revel in the art of an ancient culture who had the same problems that you do. Feel the vibration of a tree. Get creative in your quest for support. Receive everything that you can.
Pisces or Pisces Rising
A radio antennae. This is a chance for you to connect with your neighborhood and the world at large. Send out communication blasts and press releases. Stand on the corner with flyers. Give the world your message. What you have to share right now is needed. Don’t stay quiet in the corner. Don’t let yourself get shy. Growth comes from your participation.
Aries or Aries Rising
A comet. Movement and growth are happening for you. It might not be at the pace that you normally desire, but keep digging in. You are getting somewhere. Imagine that you have the power and the fire of a comet flying through space. You can make that much of an impact if you keep digging in surely and steadily.
weekend horoscopes april 22-24
Taurus or Taurus Rising
Roses and thorns. You are ready to blossom in a new way, but it’s not an entirely easy path. The rose and it’s thorns signify heart-opening and protection. Open your heart. Open it so wide. Know that you are safe and you are protected and that deep connection is there for you if you allow it.
Gemini or Gemini Rising
Stepping stones across the stream. Carefully choose your approach. You may need to tread very lightly. To ensure that you have solid footing take extra-good care of yourself and be very gentle.
Cancer or Cancer Rising
Sunflowers growing taller. Blast out of the stratosphere in all of your creative glory. Don’t hold back. Connect with others through your own creative expression. This is your chance to shine brilliantly. Simply acknowledge how you unique you areand share your magic with others.
Leo or Leo Rising
Lava flows to lower ground. Focus on your foundation. Get very clear about what is important to you. Prioritize and let the rest go.
Virgo or Virgo Rising
A patch of four leaf clover. Luck shines on you, but you will have to think quick to catch hold of it. Mental clarity, focus, and communication are the skills you need to develop right now. Just keep asking the universe for clarity. Sometimes, it’s all about what you ask for.
Libra or Libra Rising
Sacred geometry in the sky. Your values may be called into question. Get clear. Know what you believe and align with it. No splitting! Meaning— your beliefs and actions need to be in alignment.
Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
A magnificent fountain. A vibrant, emotional, display of your real self. Dig out the deepest truths that you hold within you and hold them up to the light of the full moon. Surrender, let go, and release so that you can grow.
Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
Deep sea fish. Oh love, swim deep into the deepest cave of your psyche and peer in. What mysteries are there in the darkness for you? And what are you going to do with them? Bring them all forward and sit with them quietly. Don’t turn your eyes away. Don’t judge. Just try to sit still and feel all the feelings.
Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
Bales of hay. A hay ride? It’s off-season for a hay ride, but maybe get a group together and go out and howl at the moon. This Full Moon calls you to action and asks you to seek alignment with a greater community. Find your tribe. This is also a time for you to brainstorm about your hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Do some future-minded, visionary thinking.
Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
Flags in front of an embassy. It’s time for you to be the center of attention in your career or vocation. You are in the spotlight and it ain’t always easy. Pick your flag and wave it around. It’s important for you to stand tall and proud, knowing that your unique experience is about to pay off.
Pisces or Pisces Rising
EKG reading. This is a great moment for you to get out of town. You need to remember the big picture right now. Exploring different cultures is like a healing salve for you right now, helping you get out of your head and into your heart.
Aries :: Aries Rising
Diving off a cliff into deep waters. Have you ever tried to see how long you could hold your breath underwater, and then emerged gasping for air? That feeling of deep, gasping, inhalation is kind of like what you are currently experiencing. It’s like a reset. An experience that shifts you into deep gratitude for the simple things. Breathing. Heartbeat. Oxygen. The re-set has to do with you asking yourself: What is really important in this life? When you are on your deathbed, what will you be wishing for? These kinds of big-picture questions provoke the transformation you are primed for right now.
Weekend Horoscope April 8-10
Aries :: Aries Rising
Fireworks streaking across the sky.
It’s time to reinvigorate how you see yourself. Know that you have the ability to metaphorically light up the sky with your brilliance. Now is the time to make necessary changes and shift into alignment with your new vision of who you are.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Stones at the bottom of the river.
Stones may seem stable, fixed, immovable— but currents of water are strong enough to smooth them over time. You are adapting and healing on deep, subconscious levels. Groove a new pattern in your psyche.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Bees struggling to repair a broken hive.
You may be particularly caught up in the news right now. Your interest in what is happening in the world is not unfounded. Find an area where you can shine and make a change. Any activism you partake in will be deeply stimulating for your personal growth.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Lightning strikes the tallest tree.
You are operating on a high level right now. It may be a little uncomfortable. Just remember that the shifts you experiencing are helping to create more freedom for you in the long run. Be open to change.
Leo :: Leo Rising
A parrot flies with crows.
Change it up. Do something different. Explore a different crowd and new ideas. This will open you up to incredible new possibilities.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Drinking water at a quiet oasis.
Take care of yourself and create space for a deep psychological shift to take place. Accept yourself on all levels. You are perfect just the way you are.
Libra :: Libra Rising
Missing a piece of the jigsaw puzzle.
Something new, different, shocking or inspiring is brewing in your relationship realm. Some Libra folks may find this exciting, others may want to escape. Either way, your first priority is to shower yourself with love. Be kind, gentle and compassionate with yourself. When you have empathy for yourself, it is easier to have empathy for others.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Old love letters burning in a bonfire.
Ritualistically burn away the things that are no longer serving you. Think of this as a time to refine your daily routine. Go extra slow and take care of your health.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Children are finger painting.
It’s time to expand through creativity. Get really messy. Get into it. Become wild and free in your self-expression.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Bullfrog on a lily pad.
Sudden changes in home life and/or family. Be flexible so that changes to your foundation feel invigorating and not shocking. Sometimes it’s all a matter of perspective.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Messages written in the sand.
You may find yourself saying or thinking unusual things. This could be a great time for you to reframe your message. What do you stand for, intellectually speaking? Rewrite your personal manifesto, it may be very inspired.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A plain stone is polished into a jewel.
Your approach to security is ready for an update. Now is wonderful time for you to notice value that you have previously overlooked. Open your mind.
Astrological Overview for the Week of March 28 - April 3rd
Monday, March 28th- Venus Semi-Sextile Uranus
Harmony gets disrupted, shifted... maybe even reinvigorated? Expect Uncomfortable Newness. Accept it. Receive it.
Tuesday, March 29th- Venus Conjunct South Node, Mercury Inconjunct Jupiter, Mercury Trine Saturn
Take stock of your skills. Really. Write a list of your gifts and talents. Then add to the list the things that make you happy. As you write them, feel that happiness. This is your foundation.
Wednesday, March 30th- Venus Conjunct Chiron, Mercury Square Pluto, Sun Semi-sextile Neptune
Now it’s time for deep healing. Make sure to set aside some time to meditate. You may need the clarity that comes from meditation today. There is focus on the “control vs. letting go” axis. You may want to heal and let go, but to do that you will have to be able to loosen your grip on your old story.
Thursday, March 31st- Mercury Conjunct Uranus
Dynamite. After all the healing work that happened yesterday, now it’s time to institute some NEW ways of thinking. Blow up the old ways, clear out the debris, allow new inspiration. All for the sake of freedom from the past.
Friday, April 1st- Mercury Sesqui-quadrate Mars, Mercury Inconjunct N. Node, Mercury Semi-sextile Chiron
A few minor aspects that collectively may signify seeking alignment and the potential frustration that can accompany that. Easy does it. Sometime the mind is a wily beast. Your alignment will come from being gentle. with yourself. Clearing the mind is key today.
Saturday, April 2nd- No major or minor aspects.
Sunday, April 3rd- Mercury Semi-Square Neptune
A little tension here today between thinking and dreaming. That could mean that you feel cloudy and out-of-it. It could mean that you are aren’t understanding the reality of a situation. Or, conversely, you could be missing the forest for the trees— too caught up in the details and out of alignment. To use this aspect to your advantage, it may help to remind yourself to tune into your intuition and also make an effort to be very present throughout the day. You could also just give into the dream world— spend the day at the movies, go to the park or be creative in your favorite way.