Photo by Emiel Molenaar on Unsplash
In a fantasy garden oversized fruit hanging from every tree. Flowers drip with vibrant color and . If you choose to step into the garden, time stops and reality fades away. The garden offers both rest and creativity.
But will you get swept away and lost in the daydream of the beautiful garden?
This Full Moon invites you to lay down on a flower bed, relax, and make space for emotions. But if you do, you might worry that your responsibilities lurk untended in the background.
The key is to change your perspective on how you feel about relaxation versus responsibility. There is a chance to think and feel differently now.
The benefit of stepping into the garden at this Full Moon is that through imagination, you might find hope.
The downside of spending too much time relaxing is that you might feel disconnected from reality. It might feel as if it interrupts your momentum or security.
So find a balance. Use the Mercury Retrograde, Full Moon in Cancer and trine to Neptune to open your mind to lush possibility. Mercury retrograde can help you own your unique thoughts. Full Moon in Cancer offers empathy and emotional intelligence. A Neptune trine boosts imagination and creativity. These are gifts at this time.
But keep one foot on solid ground, because the Sun and Mercury are in Capricorn. You can change how you feel about time and expectations, but remember your responsibilities.
This is a hard balance to strike, because the magic garden beckons and the brutal reality of life can seem overwhelming in contrast. But if you stay curious about your emotions and open your mind to new perspectives, you’ll be able to have it all. You can rest and dream in the garden, and stay on track with your goals.
As a final note, this Full Moon occurs as Mars comes to the end of its retrograde. Consider how you’ve changed your actions and process since October 30th. You are doing things differently now, or at least you’ve reviewed how you’ve been taking action. At this Full Moon, notice how it feels to be doing things so differently. The feelings will be informative and cathartic.