Photo by Boba Jovanovic on Unsplash
Full Moon :: February 5, 2023 :: 12:28 pm CST :: 16 degrees Leo
The wind changes direction and the sailor must plot a new course.
Stay sensitive to fresh opportunities, breakthrough ideas, changing relationships. A sailor in a small boat must stay alert and become comfortable with movement and speed. This is a great way to respond at this Full Moon. Allow the swell of the waves. Allow for movement. As you loosen up your expectations and open your mind you may discover a fresh perspective.
To put it simply, this Full Moon has strong pros and cons.
The cons: You may not trust the things that once seemed certain. This erratic energy feels unstable. Notice emotions like distrust, resentment, frustration, uncertainty. We all want to feel safe—change can disrupt our sense of safety.
The pros: A breakthrough idea can change a situation that’s been immovable and stale. This is the breath of fresh air that you’ve been needing, craving, and preparing for. Whatever comes through that’s new and different should be something that you’ve been laying the foundation for. You are ready for the new idea, and the new idea has the traction it needs to take hold. This results in rapid growth.
As the waves swell and the wind shifts, revel in the fiery energy of this Full Moon. Embrace childlike Leo energy to help navigate this one -- be playful and express yourself courageously. And honor the objective Aquarius energy of the Sun. Recognize that even if there is a bit of chaos, you know what you’re doing. An experienced sailor isn’t thrown by changes in the wind and waves. You are ready for this.
And one final note … this Full Moon squares the sensitive degree of the Lunar Eclipse on November 8th, 2022. What was happening then? Now we experience the next chapter of that story. If you want clues as to what it is that you’ve been crafting and creating to lay the foundation for these changes, look back to early November.