Photo by Bankim Desai on Unsplash
New Moon :: November 23, 2022 :: 4:57 pm CST :: 1 degree Sagittarius
A butterfly emerges from the chrysalis and needs time to finish the process of metamorphosis. The proboscis fuses and wings plump through a chemical process. Finally, the newly winged creature takes flight.
Like the butterfly embodying a new form, a New Moon offers a fresh beginning.
At this moment, we are drying our wings and waiting, just before taking flight. We are waiting to finish the transformation process. We need to think about what we just went through, and start to get excited about the new places to which we will fly. Wait here and hang on to the side of the chrysalis while new hope and possibility emerges.
The technical stuff …
The New Moon is in Sagittarius, the sign of inspiration. This year, the Sagittarius New Moon occurs at 1 degree of Sagittarius, just after the Sun and Moon leave transformative Scorpio. The aspects the New Moon makes are pleasant ones. There are three out-of-sign aspects; the New Moon is sextile Pluto in Capricorn, and trine Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. As the New Moon finishes these lingering out-of-sign aspects, it is also headed straight toward conjunctions with Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius. It wants to connect with pleasure and clarify a new direction.
My feeling is that we need to still pay attention to what we’ve processed emotionally over the last week or two. What old memories and themes were dredged up? What were your dreams showing you? What hopes were being tested by reality? What was lost? This is the residue that still lingers.
While we grieve and heal, we can start to turn our attention toward new possibility. The shift from Scorpio to Sagittarius shows that after going through healing and transformation, you can start to define new values and feel inspired to move forward.
The question is, ‘After everything I’ve been through recently, what do I believe is truly important and meaningful?’
To discover the answer, revisit your values. Values are helpful because they motivate us. Motivation has been a bit convoluted lately, with Mars retrograde in Gemini. Since the end of October, we’ve been internally facing, and working in slow motion. So don’t expect to fly forward with intensity until after Mars goes direct on January 12th. But for now, you can start to gather information about what you value, what inspires you, and why you care. These concepts will help you feel energized and directed.
So, as you wait on the side of the chrysalis, dream of the things that fill you with hope and make life meaningful, while continuing to process your recent transformations. When the time is right, you will take flight with a full heart and fiery motivation.
From 11/23/22 - 11/28/22
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