...The Taurus Full Moon and it’s Message
Peeling an orange.
We are working to get to the sweet fruit that is inside. There is a bitter rind. We must keep peeling. Keep working. Keep taking off the layers to get closer to the truth. Keep sustaining ourselves with sweetness. Keep nurturing. Keep taking care of our bodies, and keep diving deep into our emotions...
Horoscopes for November 14-20
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Explosions in the sky. Does this all feel like a test? You have a desire to share. Maybe it’s triggering some old fears of inadequacy, or lack of support. Challenge yourself to open up. Challenge yourself to trust. You get to be supported in the exact right way! You get to lean, to hold, to cherish. “Stronger together” is a real thing. So much of the time, you are a solo warrior...
Horoscopes for November 7-13
your horoscope! week of October 31st-November 6th
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Watching a beachball blow across the sand. You have an opportunity this week to uplift yourself. Follow your heart. Don’t despair. Don’t overthink. Don’t get caught up in the stress of daily details. Lift yourself up. Do it consciously. As you put yourself in a consciously higher mindset, you will find that the momentum does the rest...
Journey Deep...Reading for the Scorpio New Moon
The Moon and it’s message: “Cradle your heart in your hands.”
This Scorpio New Moon asks you to get quiet, so that you can hear her persistent whisper…Slow down. Study yourself. Prepare to let go of that which is no longer serving you. Be brave. Trust yourself. Cup your hands around your heart in honor and protection. Be your best witness. Hold space for yourself. Listen to the quiet, still, emotions that have been buried beneath “busy-ness” and action...
Horoscopes for October 24th-30th
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A flurry of snowflakes blocking your sight. Fresh, new, bright snow obliterates your view. You can’t see. Time stops. There is a spaciousness. A vulnerability. Allow the feeling of helplessness that comes with not knowing. Allow yourself to pause. Then press on. Move forward even though you can’t see. Use your intuition to guide you...
HOROSCOPES for October 17-23
Libra :: Libra Rising
A hearth fire burns brightly. The hearth fire represents the fire that burns deep inside of you. Your inner fire is your inner security. Your key word this week is Satisfied. Be deeply satisfied with yourself. Let this feeling resonate from deep inside of yourself. There may be a conflict this week that arises close to...
Who am I? Reading for the 2016 Aries Full Moon
Horoscopes for October 10th-16th
Libra :: Libra Rising
A jigsaw puzzle. Interlocking. Interconnected. Intertwined. Your mission this week is to feel supported. Can you lean in, but maintain the integrity of your own stance? Can you speak your truth to another person? Can you say the thing that you have avoided? Do you know what you need? Can you ask for what you need?
Horoscopes for October 3rd - 9th
Libra :: Libra Rising
A rabbit hopping toward a rabbit hole. Who will you find yourself to be when you are put to the test like Alice in Wonderland? Dear Libra, you are coming to new clarity. You are understanding more about yourself now. This information will be conscious and you will be able to make changes in your life. The fog lifts this week. The subconscious processing you’ve been doing comes to an end. And now it’s game time...
The New Moon is a time to set intentions—and the Libra New Moon wants you to initiate balance. Libra represents connecting people and ideas. Take this moon as a reminder to listen and share, to give and receive. To breathe peace. Within this balancing act, acknowledging what you need is so important. This Moon is a reminder that you deserve to get your needs met...
Horoscopes for September 26th-October 2nd
Libra :: Libra Rising
Flower Garlands. This is a time to dig deep into your heart and remember what it is that you want. This week brings you to a point of new beginning. Can you separate out what is your desire and what is someones else’s? Get really clear about what you want in all the areas of your life. What feels a little sticky or crunchy or just generally gooey? What is unresolved?...
Horoscopes for September 19 - September 25
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Fruit growing on a tree. This is a time of resolve and a time of clarity. Get ready to usher in new understanding. Get ready to pick the fruit of knowledge this week. It brings wisdom about joy and pain. And it brings acceptance. Your focus is shifting from invigorating your sense of individuality to building stability in your life...
Just Be: Reading for the 2016 Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
A whisper. A quiet murmur. Full Moons are usually loud and all fired up with the light of the Sun. Yet this Full Moon is a quiet and gentle offering that echoes through the mist. The whisper comes from your intuition. It says: look more closely, listen more closely, slow down, grow quiet. Let yourself dissolve...
Horoscopes for September 12-18th
Virgo or Virgo Rising
Tea leaves forming patterns. It feels so good to know. To have the facts. To step forward sure of your path. But right now you can’t know. You have to hold space for the mystery. You have to make room inside of you to allow for other people’s chaos. And your own chaos. And the chaos of the universe. Find your footing in the truth of your heart. Respect your intuition...