Find the clarity and insight you crave with astrology.
Use hypnosis to allow the transformation that you already know is the next step on your path.
This is where we sit down together (in-person, video call or phone) and find new perspectives. I offer 1:1 astrology readings, clinical hypnosis sessions, and my unique astrology-driven hypnosis coaching package.
Your Sign
Your sign can reveal what your driving needs and hypnosis can help you get those needs met. The result? You experience a happy and contented life.
Do you have a high need for intimacy like Scorpio, or is it especially important for you to have a sense of a larger community like Gemini? Read more to discover a new way of thinking about your sign.
Moon Hypnosis
The Moon guides us through a process of creation and release every month. By living in alignment with the cycles of the moon, you remove a layer of stress from your life -- instead of fighting against the tide, you are going with the flow.
Each month, we use a tailor-made hypnosis session to help you align with the quiet energy of the New Moon and integrate your intentions for the month ahead.
Free Class
For five months, transformational coach Dana Balicki and I are teaming up to bring you a free live webinar series: Working with the Planets For Purpose, Creativity and Abundance.
On the 2nd Tuesday of each month we will bring you the meaning of a planet in your chart -- and provide you with grounded techniques to integrate the energy of that planet in your life. You'll learn how to use Uranus to help up-level your creativity, Jupiter to align with your vision and Saturn to create healthy boundaries.