Tuesday’s New Moon Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Cancer might amplify your instinctual reactions as well. Emotions zig zag the same way the fish change directions. Do you know how to swim with your emotions?
Horoscopes for June 24th - June 30th
Cancer // Cancer Rising
Swimming laps with determination. Slice through your emotions like a long distance swimmer. Feelings are not always easy. Swim in them with determination and you’ll find that you can make progress forward. This is not about bypassing your emotions, it’s about going through them. After awhile, this lap swim becomes very easy. Be bold.
Horoscopes for June 17th - June 23rd
Gemini // Gemini Rising
Rolling ocean waves. The tide rolls in and out. Two directions. Notice whether you’re leaning toward another person or leaning back into yourself. You may need to give and take. Instead of becoming nauseous, get into the motion. Eventually, you’ll know where you stand in relationship to another person and in relationship to yourself. For now, find your rhythm and be honest.
Sagittarius Full Moon
On Monday June 17th at 4:31 am ET there is a Full Moon in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the sign of Truth with a capital "T". The archer shoots an arrow toward a higher vision for humanity. And this Full Moon is sidled up next to Jupiter — the ruling planet of Sagittarius. That fact doubles down on the symbolism of "Truth". What is your philosophy? What does your humanity represent for you at this time? Where are you headed? Are you optimistic enough to believe that you can get there?
Horoscopes for June 10th - June 16th
Gemini // Gemini Rising
A locomotive speeds along. This moment is less about decision making and more about your energy level. If you’re feeling scattered, try to stay the course. Have you already put down railroad tracks by making key decisions? If so, it might make sense to keep chugging along. Do things that help you maintain a high level of energy so that you can push through.
Horoscopes for June 3rd - June 9th
Gemini // Gemini Rising
Jumping on a trampoline. Thoughts may be jumping. You are all over the place, really. But with the right intention, you can begin to use this energy to help you leap higher than ever before. Keep it fun. This is just a pleasant backyard game, but if you get your timing right, you might leap up above the rooftops.
Gemini New Moon
You flounder through a hazy field in early morning. Dewy grass folds under your bare feet. Your visibility is low. The smell of soil and flora overpowers. There isn’t anywhere you need to be. But you feel lost because there are no landmarks, just the sweet scent of the cloud that surrounds you.
This story symbolizes what it’s like to try to think clearly during Monday’s Gemini New Moon. In this image there’s no logical pathway that will save you from the mental fog. No breadcrumb trail of thoughts will lead you to a definite conclusion.
Horoscopes for May 27th - June 2nd
Gemini // Gemini Rising
Kindling for the fire. Yes, you can say it all, do it all and be it all. You’re moving quickly. That’s appropriate and you can continue to shine. Hurl more wood on the fire and dance like a luminous flame. My only caution is that you check in with yourself during this activated time. Nourish your soul through conscious self-inquiry. That will help you burn bright.
Horoscopes for May 20th - May 26th
Gemini // Gemini Rising
Blackberry bushes. Patience is needed. The fruit is there, just within arms reach. And you must navigate the thorns to retrieve it. If you go too fast you’ll come out empty handed and broken. So be deliberate and go luxuriously slowly. The abundance you are looking for is all around you, just be strategic and keep your eye on the prize.
Scorpio Full Moon
Horoscopes for May 13th - May 19th
Taurus // Taurus Rising
Petals in the wind. It’s time to release. Survey your life and take stock of what you’re holding onto. We hold on because we know that it’s safe. We are comforted by the familiar. But right now it’s time to let go, especially when it comes to old relationship dynamics. Look for ways to break the patterns. This can be beautiful. Like a shimmer of petals on the wind.
Horoscopes for May 6th - May 12th
Taurus // Taurus Rising
A coral reef. There is a wide variety of experiences that you can have. The world is abundant with many types of species and habitats. Try on different attitudes. Examine your expectations for yourself. Some of them are outdated. You may be able to explore new ecosystems and shake things up. The past does not determine the future. If you’ve been waiting to begin, the time is now.
Taurus New Moon
On Saturday May 4th we have a New Moon at 14 degrees Taurus. When the Sun and the Moon line up in the same sign, it represents a cosmic new beginning. This is a chance to set intentions — use the power of your mind, emotions, body and spirit to direct your energy through the days ahead. On a New Moon the soil is very fertile so your intentions can take root and bloom brightly.
Horoscopes for April 29th - May 5th
Taurus // Taurus Rising
Fairyland. Take yourself out of this dimension and into another imaginary one. The closer you feel you are to magic, the more you’ll see the possibilities in your “real” world. You are powerful like an arrow, you can choose a direction and go after it with focus and clarity. But in order to activate this sense of focus and clarity you need to use your imagination and release your fear.
Horoscopes for April 22nd - April 28th
Taurus // Taurus Rising
Pulling a cart. You may need some reassurance. Yes, the path ahead is uncertain. Yes, the weather is changing. But you are still on track. You’ve prepared your cart, and you are still pulling it along. Things are already in motion, so just keep going. It’s easier to continue once you’ve already started. So continue on into the unknown. You’ve got what you need.