#HoroscopesForTheWeekend 11/20/15

image by Sandy Sitron

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising

A pack of fluffy white puppies playing together. Be in “unison.” What would it feel like to be part of a litter? To have strength in numbers? Notice any and all resistance to this idea. Transmute it through FUN.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising

The tallest pine tree. It is time to feel whole. Get clear about YOUR path. If you have been making choices according to what other people want or what society expects, change it up. Re-map your route.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising

A diving board positioned over a well. You are preparing for the deep dive. It doesn’t seem very safe. If you can make it all the way to bottom of the well you will connect with source. The source is pure energy and potential.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising

A humpback whale being washed with soapy suds that glimmer like pearls. Reconnect to the most ancient part of yourself. Get ahold of the big picture, even if just for a moment. Your determination is needed by in the world right now. Know that you are steadfast.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising

Rings of fire. You are connected to others through burning joy. Feel encircled with love. Shyness and hesitation are not for you right now. Act.

Aries :: Aries Rising

Your hand reaches down into a hole in the ground. What are you purely curious about right now? Follow your curiosity into a new space, a new way of being. Trust your experience . Try out a different environment.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising

You are holding onto a rope that lays along the ground. The long rope stretches as far as the eye can see, the ends vanishing at the horizon. You feel safe because you are holding on to a way of being, but it is important to know that you can let go at any time. If you let go of the rope (letting go of your perception of safety) you might be opening yourself up to a new cycle.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising

The delicate and intertwined roots of blades of grass. If you have been feeling a little alone or a little disillusioned, remember that you are connected through an invisible network. It may be tiny, it may be tender, it may be almost imperceptible, but it is ever present and alive.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising

Beetles covering the surface of a rock. Recognize what your family has given you. Know that you are part of an ancient tribe. Right now you learning about your strength. You must treat yourself with empathy and not disgust. Be very aware of how you are speaking to yourself.

Leo :: Leo Rising

A mountain lion stalking prey. You are so full of potential. Every muscle is tensed for the leap. Encapsulate this idea of adrenalized and directed energy. It is yours whenever you need it.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising

Deep in the quiet forest there is a target. An arrow is lodged in the bullseye. Go deep within yourself. Center yourself. The treasures that solace and meditation can offer you will help you gain your focus.

Libra :: Libra Rising

Pristine geometric shapes emitting colorful rays in bright space. Cleanse yourself. You have moved through a cycle and it is time to rest and re-set. Meditate on sacred geometry to reassure yourself of the beauty inherent in existence.

#HoroscopesForTheWeekend 11/13/15

image by Sandy Sitron

Scorpio or Scorpio Rising

A log floating down a river.

You are on a journey. You are strong and sturdy, yet you are in motion. You are churning and turning and the part of you thatis “underwater” (your subconscious) is rising to the surface.

Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising

Flowers in a field popping open at the same time.

Use your spirit and your creativity to inspire the group. Uncertainty about who you are as a leader may be surfacing. Trust that your soul remembers what to do just as the flower “remembers” how to open.

Capricorn or Capricorn Rising

A white rabbit goes down a rabbit hole and disappears.

Now is the time to trust in things you don’t fully understand. Just make sure that what you choose to trust is fully in line with your personal moral code. In fact, it might be time to get really clear about what your moral code is exactly. You need that information to help you orient yourself.

Aquarius or Aquarius Rising

An earthworm coiled around a finger. The finger is pointed up to the sky.

It’s time to be in the public eye. To reach the highest height that you are striving for, you must make sure that you are grounded and your foundation is strong.

Pisces or Pisces Rising

A butterfly flying out of a room. It exits through a tall and narrow window in a brick wall.

Your fortress has kept you safe and it’s nice to have the security of strong brick walls, but maybe it’s time to try something new. Follow a dream. 

Aries or Aries Rising

Sledding gleefully down the side of a mountain.

Pro-actively add a big dose of joy to your life. Go somewhere. Do it lightly and with a sense of adventure.

Taurus or Taurus Rising

Petting a sheep. The smell is of earthy dampness.

To be comfortable with your own vulnerability is true security.

How to get comfortable with your vulnerability? Let go of societal norms that ask you to be a certain way. Get grounded so that you can recognize yourself.

Gemini or Gemini Rising

An ax in a chopping block. 

What is there that you have left uncompleted? There is more work to be done, either in your career or in a relationship. The time is right for you to see it through to completion.

Cancer or Cancer Rising

Cheerios in a bowl. The shape of red blood cells. Concentric circles in the stump of a felled pine tree. A round belly. 

You are being showered with symbols of cyclical wholeness.

At this moment it’s important for you to know that your next step is the next step in a larger cycle. You don’t have to understand the cycle, just trust in it’s existence. Meditate on circle, cycle, wholeness, completion. 

Leo or Leo Rising

Porcupine quills.

Little soldiers all in a row, working together. Your strength is in numbers. Your strength is in your friendships. Believe in your community. 

Virgo or Virgo Rising

Flower petals strewn down a path.

Raise your vibration through generosity. Give. Be free with your joy.

Libra or Libra Rising

The multi-faceted sides of a crystal glimmer in the light. 

It’s easy for you to take on another point of view. If you start to feel fragmented, focus on the feeling of love. That will center you.

#HoroscopesForTheWeekend 11/6/15

image by Sandy Sitron


A comet colliding with the surface of a planet.

You are larger than life and you beg to be noticed. Give and Receive. Give and Receive. Give and receive like you are doing push-ups. Work that muscle. Be the comet applying force and the surface of the planet melting away under impact. Then do it again. Whatever fear you have will melt away too.


A skeleton, new grass growing around it.

It’s time to look at the structure of what you are creating. It’s time to let the old grass die and let the new grass grow.


A skunk eating an apple.

Get really clear about who you want in your community. Your anger is there for a reason, it is a protective instinct. Deal with your anger in a creative and healthy way. Don’t deny it.


Pushing a cart down a long dusty road. 

You are working. You are spurred ahead. If you are leaving something that didn’t feel safe- what was it? Is what you are getting away from something that is specific to a locale or is it something that resides inside of you? What kind of security can you offer yourself? You might experience a transformative breakthrough right now if you are brave enough to investigate your mindset. You might be able to get off the road.


Two young girls playing patty-cake under a twinkling night sky.

A partnership is healing and enchanting for you right now. Allow yourself to enjoy this burst of expansive energy. 


Holding out a glorious bouquet of flowers, the bottoms of the stems are on fire.

You are going through a healing process. If you try, you can let go of what has consumed you. It might seem frustrating at first, but letting go can be sudden and complete if you allow it to be so. 


Graphite pencil cross-hatched on paper, depicting an even expanse of gray over the page. 

Moderation is your friend. All is not extreme. Work with others to find middle ground.


Chess pieces moved over the board. The chess pieces have a life of their own. 

Make sure that you are doing the careful planning and not someone else. Your luck will come from owning your power.


Focusing a telescope. In the view is a woman standing on a beach, looking out over the ocean.

You may be experiencing uncertainty. Look more closely. You have all the answers inside of you. Trust your intuition.


A blue sky. A blue ocean. A shark fin on the horizon.

You are as free as you allow yourself to be. You may be feeling vulnerable. Go to the root of your vulnerability and share it with those closest to you. 


Silky, long, silvery fur being carefully combed.

You are ready to create order that allows for you to feel comfortable. What has kept you from integrating yourself in the past is going to move now. There will be a new arrangement that affects your personality and your partnerships. Some untangling may need to occur. 

It’s time for you to understand more clearly who you are in context with others. The creation of peace in your life will act as a source of stability. 


A sun drenched meadow, spacious and safe.

You are prime for a major reconciliation if you allow yourself to be present. Don’t disappear. Sit still in the meadow.

#HoroscopesForTheWeekend 10/30/15


A hawk pushing it’s baby out of the nest for the first time.

Something needs to change and new steps need to be taken. All subconscious forces are nudging you to grow, grow, grow.


A wedding alter covered with flowers. Each flower was placed there by a member of the community.

Mystical partnership. It may be your partnership with yourself or with another. Whichever it is, imbue it with magic and enchantment. Simultaneously trust in the support of a larger community.


The sun rises in the morning and its rays cut through a stand of trees sending fragments of light over the land. You are the sun.

It’s time to be seen. If you have fear about that, you can let go of it now. Create a ritual to help you let go.


Running fingers through the soft fur of a polar bear. What is ferocious is also gentle.

What you think you know about your environment may be subject to change. Take a broader view. Delight in the unexpected.


A bean leaves it’s nascent home in the earth and sprouts just above the surface.

Leave security behind in pursuit of deeper and more meaningful experiences. Transform gracefully.


Practicing yoga outside in the dark. Bare hands and feet digging into the earth.

Really BE in your environment. Breathe so that you remember where you are. Practice taking care of yourself and you will be seen as a role-model. Also practice self-care so that you can safely bond with another person.


Threading a needle in preparation to sew your dreams together.

The practical and the mystical find connection. You are seeking security. Security comes through the work you do to fulfill your visions.


A rainbow that is also a bridge.

You are ready to traverse into territory that is fun and joyous. Be bright, be light, be seen by everyone. Notice where you are afraid of recognition.


Drinking cup after cup of water that you pull out of a deep well.

You may have a thirst for reconciliation. Nourish yourself. Connect to the deep well of Love to find solace.


A vast field of flowers so dense that nothing is visible but blossoms.

You are truly connected with everyone. Meditate on this idea.


The excited chatter of friends talking all at once, they are filled with anticipation and support. 

Everyone is excited to see what dreams you will make reality. You will have trust that you can transform something in order to do it. You are not alone.


A kitten and a golden rope are at the foot of a throne.

A joyous, fun-filled and childlike part of you is ready to be seen. Let go of restraints. It’s time to be seen for who you are so that you can get comfortable with the idea of being truly seen by one special person.

#HoroscopesForTheWeekend 10/23/15


A woman lies on a field, her face is nestled on the most delicate pillow of violets.

Allow yourself to be held by the beauty in the world. Receive.


A digger sifts through a mountain of soil, looking for precious metals. 

You may be doing some deep digging. Focus on the process and not the product.


Icarus flies too close to the sun, but this time, his wings don’t melt. Instead, he becomes the sun. 

This is a moment to shine. As long as you can believe that you are allowed to.


An alchemist realizes that he has transformed his inner self to gold.

You are ready to discover that you can offer yourself all of the security that you seek.


A hawk’s feather is turned into a pen.

You are so sensitive and you are so ready for change. Don’t allow your defense mechanisms to get in the way of your growth.


A dog is leading his pack across frozen soil.

You are inspired but the terrain is unknown and potentially hazardous. Trust in your ability.


A microbe lives inside a horn that is played in a symphony.

Intense creativity is possible, and it is actually all around you.


A turtle looking for home.

Define yourself through your connection to your home, your family, your ancestors. You are looking for a specific kind of grounding. Find it by looking at your situation in a new way.


A goldfish discovers a new chamber in the coral. It is filled with food.

Allow for new discoveries on the micro level and the macro level. If you are looking for inspiration about what currently matters to the collective- now is your moment to find it.


A mother raven guards her eggs.

You have so much to hold on to and so much to let go of. Stay focused on what is important.


A child discovers a shortcut on the way to school.

Get ready for a major breakthrough.


A runner runs a race that leads over the edge of a cliff, but the runner learns to fly in midair.

You may be dealing with something unexpected. Some unconscious pattern is getting worked out. Be open to inspiration and new solutions.