image by Aleks Dahlberg
by Sandy Sitron, Originally posted on
New Moon :: March 6th 2019 :: 11:05am EST :: 15 degrees Pisces
To understand yourself at this New Moon, get ready to become a subconscious spelunker, diving through underwater caves. Take a ride on the metaphor train.
The first stop on this dreamy adventure is a visit to the Moon. We need to know what the Moon has to say because on March 6th we have a Pisces New Moon. This is a chance to open up the windows and doors of our subconscious and connect to our spiritual truth.
Pisces energy is nonverbal and communicates in the language of symbol. It will help us to learn metaphorically.
So today, the Moon is a mermaid. This mermaid is practical. She is all-business. She is matter-of-fact.
A grounded and responsible mermaid?
How could this be?
How could she be grounded if she lives in the sea?
She knows what she values and her intentions are steady. She is willing to work. But she’s also fluid. She doesn’t try to control her erratic environment.
This New Moon is teaching you how to pivot gracefully. Can you swim through your day? Not trying to control up or down? Not bucking against the current? Yet still feeling grounded, secure and serene?
This New Moon is properly positioned to help you stabilize. But you must be willing to accept a kind of abnormal stability. You will naturally need to do things differently. Let your intuition guide you. Ask for signs and symbols.
To get something done, you will need to float toward it. Bump into it like a sailboat grazing against a dock. Let things drift into place.
Notice what floating can do for you. Letting go of control is the ultimate win.
Be a sailboat, not a sailor. Be a mermaid who gets things done without a plan. Find your footing in water.
The point is that you can’t plan, but you can still feel steady. Your steadiness must come from your connection to self and spirit.
Pisces is the vibration of universal truth. It is about transcending the Earth plane and moving into the realms of emotion, intuition and compassion. To get to this other dimension, you need to creatively swim through your own physical boundaries. You have to change your perspective.
Uranus moves into Taurus
Uranus’ ingress into Taurus is what adds the erratic quality to this moment. Visualize yourself as a dreamy fish-person. If you are deep down in the water, do you notice the tsunami? Meaning, if you are deeply connected to your inner wisdom, does the chaos in the world even phase you?
New Moon sextile Saturn and Mars
The practical mermaid.
Earthy and supportive aspects to Mars in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn give this Pisces New Moon a surprisingly practical edge. That’s what makes this mermaid rather grounded. But with Mercury retrograde, if you try to give the mermaid too much to do, she’ll dry up. Let her drift into work and notice how much she gets accomplished.
New Moon conjunct Neptune
Let the fish slip through your fingers.
The Sun and Moon are joined by fishy Neptune in the sign of Pisces, making this New Moon a slippery friend. Don’t try to tighten your grip too much, you’ll lose your prize. Let go of control.
Instead, loosen up and drift lightly into your own ocean of inner wisdom by trusting your process. You can’t plan it. But you can bump into it.