Venus in Virgo Horoscopes

Venus Horoscopes 9/5/22 - 9/29/22

Venus opens us up to ease, pleasure and fun. It helps us create harmony in relationships and know our real worth.

Venus is in Virgo from 9/5/22 - 9/29/22. I have natal Venus in Virgo and it has taken me years to understand the soft center of what this placement really offers—steady attention on the simple moments of life. Attention that is so present and focused that it transmits love.

When Venus is in Virgo we discover that happiness is found in accepting the little things. The impulse is to keep busy and make improvements, but the real magic comes in the act of appreciating what is.

These horoscopes are based on a few of the notable aspects Venus makes as it tours Virgo. I hope you enjoy them!

Need more insight? Book a one question mini reading at my Pisces Full Moon event on Saturday …

Aries and Aries Rising

Get in your pool float and drift along a lazy river.

Yes, you can’t ignore that this season brings you plenty of busy work. And you’ll get it all done. However, the real message is to relax, drift and dream. By getting carried away on a gentle current, you’ll be able to bring the best parts of yourself forward. It won’t feel natural to let go in this way, (there’s so much to do!) but Venus wants you to know that relaxation will help you solve your puzzle.

Taurus and Taurus Rising

Pulling the lever that turns on the power and makes everything sparkle.

Ooh what a buzzy, excited feeling this Venus transit offers. The power that is surging within you reminds you that yes, you are creative. Yes, you matter. And yes, your aspirations! dreams! and visions! for yourself and for humanity are worth going for.

Gemini and Gemini Rising

Rolling out a red carpet that leads to a tiny mouse-sized door in a wall.

With big fanfare and flourishes, walk yourself home. Make home a metaphorical cozy den, a little burrow where you can snuggle in, so safe and warm. In this space it makes sense to nurture yourself. Ascertain if you feel strong enough to walk back out the door and stand confidently on the red carpet. Your time in the spotlight will be brilliant if you feel well cared for.

Cancer and Cancer Rising

Machinery in the sky crafts new technology out of thin air.

Venus is ready to light you up with astonishing new ways of thinking and processing. If there was a mental box that you stuffed yourself into, just hop out of it now. You have the technology to update your mindset. Your invitation from Venus reads: ‘Be done, move on, think bigger, feel better.’

Leo and Leo Rising

Grazing your hand past flowering hedges as you gallop by on horseback.

You want to feel the fullness of life, grasp its potential for speed and romance. Venus feels the wistfulness hidden underneath. The planet of love reaches out with a careful message … find your stability, your security, the factors that make you feel safe. When your seat is centered, you can ride quickly and furiously into the heart of your dreams.

Virgo and Virgo Rising

Holding the elevator doors open.

There’s a spot for you here. Slip on in and let’s ride to the top. Venus wants you to know that you don’t have to works so hard, when the time is right, an open door is waiting for you. "Right time, right time, right time …", Venus’ voice trails off. It knows that trusting in ‘right timing’ can be stressful, because isn’t there something you should be doing to make it happen? Experiment with increasing your sensitivity to notice when you’re pushing too hard and when you might try waiting instead.

Libra and Libra Rising

Nose to the ground, trying to follow the trail.

Hunting for the trail, but it’s shifty and ever-changing. So much searching outside yourself, when all of the answers are inside! Venus is irreverent today and she knows you are too. So, you won’t mind when Venus tells you to get over yourself and go as deep into your inner world as you can. Dream your dreams, write out your values, remember what makes you feel at home in your body.

Scorpio and Scorpio Rising

Marching to the beat of a drum.

Push yourself forward, following the beat of the drum. Or maybe you discover that it's the drums that carry you. Either way there is a surging power to Venus’ message for you. Stay true to your dreams, make room for transformation and express yourself honestly. None of those things are easy, which is why you need to find momentum.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising

Pigeons in a steeple.

Fly up to the top of the steeple, where you’ll have a bird’s eye view and garner some attention yourself. From this vantage point you may have a better sense of what’s working and what’s not. But remember, your Venus symbol is a cozy pigeon, not a steely-eyed hawk. You are meant to roost here, find your loves and cuddle together in the eaves. Get comfortable and make a home in the sky, where the spotlight of acclaim reflects off your feathers.

Capricorn and Capricorn Rising

Pack into the school bus and go on a field trip.

You are on a journey of discovery. Venus has a strange message for you. Start over. Something you learned in the past just wasn’t helping you and you need a fresh start. Venus says, "Go back to the basics." Maybe it’s your values that need to be redefined. Take your school bus to new places and redo your education.

Aquarius and Aquarius Rising

Watch millions of fish swim downstream.

There’s a current that can carry you. Many fish are swimming together. You’re not alone. With Venus in your 8th house of psychological healing, you can accept the invite to flow into new territory. These emotional waters propel you, helping you grow in just the right ways. You may be releasing, forgiving, changing your relationship with power or control or standing up for yourself during this time.

Pisces and Pisces Rising

A pair of birds preening each other's feathers.

Venus just wants to cuddle you in and smooth your soft feathers. If this has been a tough run for you, there is a cosmic hug coming your way. The pair of birds in the symbol signify support in relationship, but that can mean many different things for all you Pisces readers. The main take-away is—give and take. Humans thrive when giving and taking. How do you need to elevate that concept in your life right now?