Aquarius New Moon


by Sandy Sitron, Originally posted on

New Moon :: February 4th 2019 :: 4:04 pm EST :: 15 degrees Aquarius

Hold the earpiece of an old fashioned telephone, and wait patiently. Practice listening. There’s a message coming down the line.

On February 4th we have a New Moon in visionary Aquarius. This moon has a lot to say. It’s very dynamic and filled with ideas. But the first thing it wants you to do is listen. Get silent and be present.

Wait for the message.

Time condenses as you embody stillness and practice listening.

The message finally comes through. It’s juicy. This moon is wrapped in ideas and potential. It’s like a perfectly ripe pear. You can hold it in one hand, but when you bite into it the juice travels down your arm. A compact message, filled with information.

When you receive that the message that this moon will deliver, it will be time to activate. You might slam down the telephone and spring to action. You might go running for a napkin to wipe up all the pear juice. Once it begins there will be no delay. 

It is exciting. And transformational. A New Moon is a chance for a new beginning and this one in the sign of Aquarius is helping you bring your ideas and vision for the future to the world. 

This lunation is pumped up with energy. There’s action and release happening all at once. In the background beats the drum of expansion. Listen for it. Your big ideas are supported. Receive your message and run with it. 

Aquarius is the sign of innovation, vision and collaboration. This is not the time to hole up with Netflix and a cozy blanket. You need to be engaged, alert and present so that you can incubate new ideas. Then you’ll be able to share these ideas with others and really take things to the next level.

Here are the steps of this New Moon and the days that follow… 

Listen and wait for the message.
The message is coming and it’s going to be juicy.
When you get it, you need to spring into action.
Be willing to transform some things. To let go and be surprised.

Set the stage for an innovative new concept or a new mental framework to emerge within you. It’s time for fresh vision. You are ready for it. 

Share your heart, your ideas and your vision for the future. You can make change happen. Or maybe you can discover that you are willing to change your mind. 

Think about the greater community that surrounds you. How do you want to collaborate? What do you want to share? 

The answer will become more clear over the coming weeks. For now, listen for silence on the other end of the telephone. Silence and stillness are your first steps. Silence is nowhere and everywhere. You can hear silence under and around other sounds. Silence has different textures and opacities.

Be very present while you wait. And before you know it, the message will have arrived.


New Moon conjunct Mercury

Tiny illuminations everywhere. Tiny new ideas floating through the air. Grab them quick. Write them down. Don’t get overwhelmed by all the mental activity. Ideas are beautiful. If they hold positive potential they are like gifts. Take any good ideas you are given and anchor them somewhere, in a journal, in your psyche, in a conversation. These ideas will light up your next phase with dazzling promises. So make sure you’re paying attention. 


New Moon sextile Jupiter

An awards dinner.
Go out in your finery. Eat well and unabashedly. Then stand up and take a bow. You’ve done it and you’ll do more. This aspect is encouraging you, telling you to dream bigger, use your talents and enjoy the celebration. Your public is appreciative. There is roaring applause for you at this awards dinner. Soak it all up. Appreciate yourself too. Take a bow and then keep going. Make your vision better and bigger. Keep your vibration tuned to love. Don’t hold back from enjoying attention or celebration. Let it propel you forward.