original image by Brandi Van Nevel
If you're interested in learning more about Saturn, join me and Dana Balicki for one of our 4 upcoming Saturn Return Webinars. It's free! We'll be discussing Saturn, the Saturn Cycle that impacts us every 7-8 years, and offering tools for empowerment.
EDIT: This webinar has ended, but if you are in need of Saturn Return support—sign up for these free tools …
5 Things To Know About Your Saturn Return + Saturn Return Guided Meditation
Each of us has an Inner Critic. A little voice in our head who tells us what we need to do different or better. Some of us have a really loud Inner Critic. Some of us learn to turn the volume down over time.
In astrology, the Inner Critic archetype relates to Saturn.
In my last post, I described two other versions of Saturn, the Teacher and the Life Coach.
Today I’ll share about the Inner Critic, one of the more difficult Saturn archetypes. (But it is one of the most important Saturn archetypes to learn to work with effectively.)
But first, quick question for you...
Do you know what I mean when I talk about this Inner Critic voice? Can you imagine what yours sounds like?
Even as I’ve been writing this email, my Inner Critic has been talking to me.
You see, my Inner Critic wants to make sure that I belong. That I’m socially acceptable. That I don’t say anything confusing, incorrect, or stupid. Before I left the house today, my Inner Critic was chattering about my hair and quantifying the amount of dust piling up on the lampshades.
Is my Inner Critic helping me? That was her original intent. But I’m not psyched about this particular brand of help, because it can easily contribute to anxiety and depression
Where did this Inner Critic come from?
Well, like most patterns, this archetype develops during early childhood. When we are kids our parents/teachers/family/community members/religious leaders try to train us so that we fit in, look good, are kind, have discipline, and will experience success in life. Even the most gentle caretakers may train us to change who we are in one way or another. It's a pretty natural occurrence.
For a kid, this training can be internalized as "I’m not acceptable."
We internalize this voice so that we can fit in and succeed. We begin to police ourselves.
So what does this have to do with Saturn?
When I'm looking at a client's chart to help them with the topic of self-criticism, I always look to the Saturn sign and placement for clues. Saturn is archetype that wants us to succeed in the real world. In the highest evolution of this energy, Saturn can be the Coach, Teacher or Mentor. The more challenging form of this energy is the Inner Critic. We usually experience both.
By learning to raise your awareness, you can turn the volume down on your Inner Critic, and raise the volume up on your Inner Teacher. One way to do that is to talk to your Inner Critic. I also call this talking to Saturn.
Close your eyes and Imagine that you're sitting in a room with your Saturn or your Inner Critic (choose whichever you like better).
Start to ask some questions. Ask Saturn what she's trying to help you with right now.
Listen for the answer.
Thank her for her help.
Ask her if there's another way that she can try to communicate this information.
Now explain to her how you would like your relationship to change.
Thank her and say goodbye for now.
You can meet up with your Saturn/Inner Critic whenever you want to tone down anxious thinking or get out of a funk. The more you have these conversations with your Saturn/Inner Critic, the more you can turn the volume down on self-criticism.
Next up, I'll be sharing some info about another archetype of Saturn-- the Boss.
P.S. About that free class-- there are 4 to choose from, but there is a special bonus in the first class on April 2nd. Here's the place to sign up and we'll see you there! >>> Free Saturn Class.